Thursday, March 31, 2011

मायावती का पुतला फुका

इन्द्री, प्रदीप कुमार:-
इन्द्री  में मायावती द्वारा कांगेस नेता की गैरकानूनी ढंग से गिरफ्तारी के विरोध में फुका मायावती का पुतला !
इन्द्री रेस्ट हाउस में युवा कांग्रेश कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग हुई मीटिंग की अध्यक्षता इन्द्री हल्का युवा अध्यक्ष डॉक्टर सुनील पवार की अध्यक्षता में हुई इस अवसर पर डॉक्टर सुनील पवार ने युवा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग  को संबोधित करते हुए कहा की युवा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता मायावती की तानाशाही नीतियों को सहन नहीं करेंगे युवा कांग्रेस नेता पर गैरकानूनी ढंग से जो मायावती ने केश दर्ज करके उनकी गिरफ्तारी की है उसको कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता सहन नहीं करेंगे इसके चलते उन्होंने इन्द्री शहर में रेस्ट हाउस से होते हुए उधमसिंह चौक पर मायावती के पुतले को घसीटते हुए पर्दर्शन किया और मायावती के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की और बाद में मायावती के पुतले को जुटे मारे और पुतले को आग के हवाले कर दिया!

महिला वकील ने किया जहर खाकर आत्म हत्या का प्रयास

अम्बाला शहर, विजय काम्बोज :-
जिला अदालत में प्रैक्टिस करने वाली एक महिला वकील ने सल्फास की गोलियां निगलकर आत्महत्या करने का प्रयास किया। रितु मान नामक यह महिला कोर्ट में आपराधिक मामलों की वकील है।
रितू ने रम के साथ सल्फास की गोलिया निगल ली। वकील के बच्चो से जानकारी मिलते ही मौके पर पहुचे पड़ोसियों ने उसे अस्पताल पहुंचाया। घटना बुधवार को अंबाला-नारायणगढ़ रोड पर शहर के निकट स्थित जग्गी गार्डन कॉलोनी में हुई।
अस्पताल में उपचाराधीन रितु ने बताया कि वह घरेलू काम के चलते कोर्ट भी नहीं गई। उसके अनुसार दोपहर एक महिला का फोन आने के बाद वह इतनी तनावग्रस्त हो गई कि उसने सल्फास की गोलिया निगल ली, जिससे उसकी तबीयत बिगड़ने लगी लेकिन बच्चों ने उसकी हालत को देखकर पड़ोसियों को बुला लिया। उसने बताया कि पहले पति के लापता हो जाने के बाद उसने आरएन मान के साथ दूसरी शादी की थी। इस विवाह से उसके दो बच्चे है। उसने बताया कि बुधवार को उसे पंजोखरा पुलिस थाने में तैनात मुंशी प्रदीप राणा की पत्‍‌नी का फोन आया। उसने उसके चरित्र पर लाछन लगाए। मुंशी की पत्नी ने उसे चरित्रहीन औरत बताते हुए उसके कई लोगों के साथ संबंध होने की बात कहते हुए अपने पति के साथ भी अवैध संबंध जोड़ दिए। उसने बताया कि उसने एक वकील का नाम लेते हुए कहा कि वह उसके बारे में सारी जानकारी देता है। रितु ने कहा कि ये तमाम बातें सुनने के बाद वह तनाव में आ गई। उसने एक पत्र लिखकर अपने बेटे के हवाले किया। इस पत्र में बताया गया था कि वह किन कारणों से आत्महत्या कर रही है। इसके लिए कौन-कौन लोग जिम्मेदार है। इसके बाद उसने वहा पड़ी एक बोतल में पड़े तरल पदार्थ से सल्फास की गोलिया खा ली। अस्पताल में डयूटी पर तैनात डॉक्टर दलाल ने इस घटना की पुष्टि की है। उन्होंने बताया कि दोपहर बाद ऋतु नामक एक महिला अस्पताल में लाई गई जिसने सल्फास खाने की जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि उसकी स्थिति पर नजर रखी जा रही है ताकि कोई अनहोनी न होने पाए। उन्होंने महिला द्वारा रम के साथ सल्फास निगलने की भी पुष्टि की है। चिकित्सकों के अनुसार रितु की उलटी के नमूने प्रयोगशाला भेजे जा रहे हैं। उसकी रिपोर्ट आने के बाद ही सेवन की गई वस्तु की असलियत का पता चल पाएगा। मामले की जानकारी स्थानीय पुलिस को दे दी गई लेकिन वकील के बयान देने की स्थिति में नहीं होने के कारण कार्रवाई आगे नहीं बढ़ पाई।

भारतीय जनगणना : एक नजर

खुशबू(ख़ुशी), इन्द्री : -
भारत की जनसंख्या बीते एक दशक में 18.1 करोड़ बढ़कर अब 1.21 अरब हो गई है। जनगणना के ताजा आकड़ों के मुताबिक, देश में पुरुषों की संख्या अब 62.37 करोड़ और महिलाओं की संख्या 58.64 करोड़ है।जनसंख्या नियंत्रण के लिए प्रयास कर रहे देश के लिए अच्छी खबर यह है कि आबादी की वृद्धि दर में कमी देखी गई है। वर्ष 1991 की गणना में आबादी में 23.87 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि देखी गई थी, 2001 में 21.54 फीसदी की बढ़ोत्तरी देखी गई, जबकि वर्ष 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार बीते एक दशक में आबादी 17.64 फीसदी बढ़ी। इस तरह जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर में निरंतर गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। बीते एक दशक में वृद्धि दर में 3.90 फीसदी की कमी दर्ज की गई है।केंद्रीय गृह सचिव जी. के. पिल्लै और भारत के महापंजीयक और जनगणना आयुक्त सी. चंद्रमौली द्वारा यहा जारी जनगणना 2011 के 'अनंतिम' आकड़ों के अनुसार, अब भारत की 1.21 अरब की आबादी अमेरिका, इंडोनेशिया, ब्राजील, पाकिस्तान और बाग्लादेश की कुल आबादी से भी ज्यादा है।उत्तर प्रदेश देश का सर्वाधिक आबादी वाला राज्य है। अगर उत्तर प्रदेश और महाराष्ट्र के आकड़ों को मिला दिया जाए तो दोनों राज्यों की कुल आबादी अमेरिका की जनसंख्या से अधिक होगी।

अंतरिम आकड़ों के अनुसार, लिंगानुपात में सुधार हुआ है। पिछली जनगणना के मुताबिक देश में प्रति एक हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 933 थी जो एक दशक में बढ़कर अब 940 हो गई है। आबादी में पुरुषों की संख्या 51.54 फीसदी और महिलाओं की संख्या 48.46 फीसदी है।महापंजीयक कार्यालय के आकड़ों के अनुसार, लिंगानुपात में सबसे अधिक फर्क संघ शासित प्रदेश दमन और दीयू में है जहा प्रति हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 615 है। दादरा और नगर हवेली में लिंगानुपात 775 है। वहीं, केरल में प्रति एक हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 1,084 दर्ज की गई है। पुडुचेरी में लिंगानुपात 1,038 है।
बहरहाल, चिंताजनक तथ्य यह है कि छह वर्ष तक की उम्र के बच्चो में लिंगानुपात में आजादी के बाद से सर्वाधिक गिरावट देखी गई है। पिछली गणना में यह लिंगानुपात 927 था जो अब घटकर 914 हो गया है।साक्षरता की बात करें तो अब देश में 74 फीसदी आबादी पढ़ना-लिखना जानती है। साक्षर लोगों की संख्या में बीते एक दशक में 38.8 फीसदी और साक्षरता की दर में 9.2 फीसदी का इजाफा हुआ है। साक्षर पुरुषों की संख्या 44.42 करोड़ और साक्षर महिलाओं की संख्या 33.42 करोड़ है।दिलचस्प रूप से, बीते एक दशक में साक्षर पुरुषों की संख्या में 31 फीसदी, जबकि साक्षर महिलाओं की संख्या में 49 फीसदी का इजाफा हुआ है।उत्तर प्रदेश की आबादी सबसे ज्यादा 19.95 करोड़ है, जबकि लक्षद्वीप में आबादी सबसे कम यानी 64,429 है।सर्वाधिक आबादी वाले पाच राज्यों में उत्तर प्रदेश के साथ ही महाराष्ट्र [11.23 करोड़], बिहार [10.38 करोड़], पश्चिम बंगाल [9.13 करोड़] और आध्र प्रदेश [8.46 करोड़] शामिल है।सबसे कम आबादी वाले पाच राज्यों में संघ शासित लक्षद्वीप के साथ ही दमन और दीयू [2.42 लाख], दादर और नगर हवेली [3.42 लाख], अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप [3.79 लाख] और सिक्किम [6.97 लाख] शामिल है।बीते एक दशक में उत्तर प्रदेश की जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर 25.85 फीसदी से कम होकर 20 फीसदी, महाराष्ट्र की 22.73 फीसदी से कम होकर 16 फीसदी, बिहार की 28.62 फीसदी से कम होकर 25.07 फीसदी, पश्चिम बंगाल की 18 फीसदी से 14 फीसदी, आध्र प्रदेश की 14.5 फीसदी से 11 फीसदी और मध्य प्रदेश की जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर 24 फीसदी से कम होकर 20.30 फीसदी हो गई है।चंद्रमौली के अनुसार, पहली बार ऐसा हुआ है कि उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, राजस्थान, उत्तराखड, झारखड, मध्यप्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ और उड़ीसा में आबादी वृद्धि दर में गिरावट आई है।विश्व आबादी में भारत की हिस्सेदारी अब 17.5 फीसदी है। भारत से आगे चीन है, जिसकी जनसंख्या विश्व आबादी की 19.4 फीसदी है। दिलचस्प पहलू यह है कि बीते एक दशक में भारत की आबादी 18.1 करोड़ बढ़ी है जो ब्राजील की कुल आबादी से थोड़ी ही कम है। ब्राजील विश्व का पाचवा सर्वाधिक आबादी वाला देश है।




Azab-Gazab Cricket Premi

Cricket Premi

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Prime Minister of Pakistan welcomed by UT Home Secretary, Mr. Ram Niwas at technical air port Chandigarh,followed by media addressing, on his arrival to watch semi final world cup cricket tournament on Wednesday

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,being welcomed by S.C.Aggrawal, at Technical Airport on Wednesday

President of Indian National Congress,Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi at Chd Airport

Golf from “Schools to Range”-

Chandigarh: Sanjay Pahwa:
Chandigarh Golf Association is set to launch a new golf programme tiltled Golf from “Schools to Range” at the CGA Golf Range on the 1st of April 2011 at 5.30 pm. This first- time initiative is being taken up by CGA along with the active support of Department of Education, Chandigarh. Mr. J.S. Cheema, President, CGA has been instrumental in setting up this initiative.
Principals from over twenty government schools of Chandigarh along with students interested in learning golf will participate in the launch. A policy is being made where these government schools will be associated with the CGA Golf Range for finding talented players of golf from among their students .
Sh. Sandeep Hans PCS, DPI (Schools) will be the chief guest on this occasion. Dr. J P S Sidhu, Joint Director Sports will be the guest of honour.

Graduation ceremony at The Banyan Tree school

Chandigarh - A Graduation ceremony was held at The Banyan Tree school sector 48 B , Chandigarh in the school premises.
The chief guest of the occasion was the Director of the school Mr. Ravinder Talwar.
The idea behind the ceremony lies in the belief that a student’s life is divided into different stages. The Kindergarten students got a cross-over to primary school and the grade V students to the middle school.
A grand function was organized in the school for the parents and the children. There was a fabulous fashion show for the moms and tough tongue- twisters for the dads. The musical chairs really raised the excitement.
The programme concluded with an inspirational speech by the Principal of the school Dr. Tarunveer Saini , who motivated the students to achieve great heights of success in their future endeavours.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Under Rastriya Gramin livelihood Mission started

INDRI , Pardeep Kumar :-
Under Rastriya Gramin livelihood Mission started by the Central Government as many as 10 Lacs families living below the poverty line in the country would be made self dependent during the year 2011-12. This was disclosed by Chief Secretary Haryana Smt. Urvasi Gulati while addressing the women members of Self help group at Rajiv Gandhi Community Development Centre Nilokheri about 20 kms. from karnal today. As many as 15 Lacs Self help group would be formed in the country during the 12 Plan under the above scheme, she added.
She said that those women who had excepted the challenge of going ahead and generate energy within themselves succeeded in the becoming the role model of the society in the country and the women has so proved in this session. She further said that the women imbibes energy in themselves to choose their path for their alround development and progress. Mrs. Gulati laid greater stress on delivery in huts made by the State Government to save the life of women and newly born child. This has resulted in saving the life of women and their newly born child to the extent of 23% in the year 2005 but delivery of women in huts has succeeded in saving the life of women and newly born children to 74% now.
Mrs. Gulati said that the men and women were the two wheels of the cart. In the society and the whole society is driven by this.
The Chief Secretary said that the Haryana Government had achieved 3rd position in the country in total sanitation programme launched by the Central Government. The Union Government had given prizes to 1248 villages under “Nirmal Purushkar Yojna”. The Watch Committies made by the State Government has succeeded in the success of this total sanitation programme.
Mrs. Gulati said that the women folk should use sanitary napkeens in order to save themselves from many a disease and also to suppliment their income. While referring to the disease of breast Cancer in women, she asked the Management of the Institute to provide knowledge about its cure by the women herself.
The success women of the followings Self help groups of the State expressed their views on this occasion.
Smt. Nirmala Chauhan from Yamuna Nagar narrated her story. She said that she was M.A. and after marriage she became house wife for 15 years. One day she came to know about the self help group schemes and adopted it and now she is earning Rs. 20 thousand per month from the various schemes like bee keeping & Noodels etc. Smt. Sumitra from Hisar said that 6 thousand women under self help group were working under her. I have succeeded in eliminating foeticide, dowery and removal of illitracy etc. from the society. And for doing these works I had been many a times honored by the Distt. Administration.
Earlier the Chief Secretary inaugurated Administrative Block built at a cost of Rs. 24 lacs. She also inaugurated Multipurpose Building built at a cost of Rs. 27 lacs 50 thousand.
Principal Secretary & Financial Commissioner Panchayati Department Haryana Mr. P.Raghvinder said that as many as 1050 Chopal for ladies in rural areas has been constructed sofar and 134 Stadium had been completed against a target of 190 stadias. The remaining would be completed by the end of Dec. 2011. The Director of Panchayat Mr. Anand Mohan Saran and Deputy Commissioner Smt. Neelam Pardeep Kasni also praised the role of women in their upliftment and alround progress.

Zeenat Aman come in bollywood

New Delhi ( prembabu sharm) :
glamour and sexiest bollywood vintage actress Zeenat Aman come back in bollywood the short film Adhuri Dulhan & Adhuri shave. Film produced by R.k. swami & gulshan based by TB…
jeenat One of the most hot , she become more popular in 1970 and 1960 decades and she dare to perform more nasty characters in those time. She is actually remarkable hot actress. Her performance on Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Don ,Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka , Alibaba Aur 40 Chor, Roti Kapada Aur Makaan was great and she did more hindi film like Heeralal Pannalal, Chaurahen , Bhopal Express , Sohni Mahiwal , Ashanti, Hare Raama Hare Krishna , Ajanabee , Insaf Ka Tarazu and More.She was the second runner up in the Miss India Contest in 1970 and she win the Miss Asia Pacific in 1970. She is the sex symbol of late 70s and 80s decade in Bollywood Cinema and she make herself as most debut Bollywood Celebrity in golden era of Bollywood cinema and she Introduce Glamour and Western heroine look in to Bollywood cinema.

मीडिया उत्सव 2011 इन कुरुक्षेत्र यनिवर्सिटी

Gunaho ke Devta in Avdesh & Arpita’s love Story

New Delhi,(prembabu Sharma) :
March 29, 2011: Avdesh (Ashish Sharma) & Arpita’s (Tanvi Bhatia) flaming love story despite all adversity has made them one of the most loved couples on small screen. However, this week be prepared to witness the most defining and shocking moment in their lives as the drama unfolds in Gunahon Ka Devta on Imagine.
Gunahon Ka Devta traces the love story between Arpita and a gangster Avdesh Singh Thakur who under the surface of his belligerence is a man with a golden heart. Set in a crime infested city of eastern UP Avdesh & Arpita’s passionate love story blossoms against a violent back drop. Emerging triumphant alongside all trials and tribulations just as Arpita & Avdesh’s lives were smooth-sailing destiny decides to play a foul game. Arpita is forced to accept indecent proposals from inspector Ranvijay Singh, Avdesh’s arch rival, for the well-being of her sister-in-law Shikha, who is pregnant with Ranvijay’s younger brother Tanmay’s baby. Avdesh, on discovering Arpita’s infidelity is filled with rage as he feels thoroughly cheated and betrayed by the woman he loves so dearly.
Further in an ensuing heated argument where Arpita tries to reason out her actions to an already annoyed and fuming Avdesh, she loses her balance and falls from the terrace hanging on struggling to save her life. Avdesh on the other hand, blinded by daunting rage walks away and fails to realize that Arpita has slipped off from the terrace and is hanging on,  desperately awaiting help and battling for her life.
Arpita eventually meets her death which marks a turning point in the show leaving the life of Avdesh irrevocably altered. However, there is someone who is witness to this major drama. Is this a planned murder or a mere accident? Will Avdesh ever find out the reasons behind Arpita’s infidelity or will the truth like Arpita also die a silent death? Will Avdesh be able to forgive himself for suspecting Arpita’s loyalty? Will he be able to come to terms with the grief of losing the love of his life? To know more keep watching Gunahon Ka Devta, every Monday to Friday 8:30 pm only on Imagine.

आदिवासी समुदाय की समस्याओं पर आधारित चित्र प्रदर्शनी

Monday, March 28, 2011


CHANDIGARH, Sanjay Pahwa:
 The Punjab Governor and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Mr. Shivraj V. Patil while presiding over a high level meeting today at Punjab Raj Bhavan, reviewed the security and other arrangements regarding the visit of dignitaries from India and Pakistan who are coming to watch semi final Cricket match going to be played at PCA Stadium Mohali between India and Pakistan on 30th March, 2011.
Mr. Patil gave clear cut instructions and guidelines to all the concerned officers to ensure that all arrangements should be made fool proof. He said no excuse would be tolerated at all from any corner. He further said that law and order should be maintained at any cost. He also asked the officers to discharge their duties dedicatedly and devotedly to make this event success and memorable.
Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Additional Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Mr. Pradip Mehra, Adviser to Administrator, Mr. S.C. Agrawal, Chief Secretary of Punjab, Mrs. Urvashi Gulati, Chief Secretary of Haryana, Mr. M.P. Singh, Principal Secretary to Governor, Director General of Police, Punjab and Haryana, Mr. Vishvajeet Khanna, Principal Secretary to Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab, Inspector General of Police, UT, Chandigarh, AOC, Air Force Station, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh and Mohali and SSP of Chandigarh & Mohali.

छवि ने चमकाई विश्व स्तर पर भारत की छवि

खुशबू (ख़ुशी) इन्द्री :
इसमें कोई शक नहीं की भारत की महिलाएं विश्व स्तर पर अपनी पहचान कायम कर रही हैं! हर क्षेत्र की महिलाएं आज देश में कई महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर काबिज हैं! इन्ही में से एक वर्ग है महिला सरपंचों का! लेकिन आज भारत में महिला सरपंच का मतलब थोड़ी बहुत पढ़ी लिखी,पति पर सरपंची कामो के लिए निर्भर,पारम्परिक वेशभूषा साड़ी धारण किये साधारण छवि वाली महिला नहीं बल्कि हाई प्रोफाइल,एम् बी ए या स्नातक या स्नातकोतर,ग्रामीण विकास में विश्वास रखने वाली और आत्मनिर्भर महिला है! इसका एक अपवाद है राजस्थान के सोडा गाँव की 30 वर्षीया पेशे से एम् बी ए सरपंच छवि राजावत देश की इस हाई प्रोफाइल सरपंच ने पुरुषवादी भारतीय समाज की परम्परा को तोड़ एक मुकाम हासिल किया है!  यह अपने सरपंची कामों के लिए किसी की आदमी की सहमती की मोहताज़ नहीं है!
हाल ही में देश की इस युवा सरपंच ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की 11वीं इन्फो पावरटी वर्ल्ड कांफ्रेंस में हिस्सा लिया
24 और 25 मार्च को हुई इस बैठक में गरीबी से लड़ने और विकास जैसे मुद्दों पर चर्चा हुई! बैठक में जींस-टॉप और कोट पहने इस युवा सरपंच को देखकर किसी को भी ये भरोसा नहीं हुआ कि भारत के एक छोटे से गाँव की सरपंच किसी फ़िल्मी नायिका की तरह फटाफट इंग्लिश बोलने वाली औए इतनी आकर्षक हो सकती है!
छवि भारत की सबसे कम आयु की पहली एम् बी ए सरपंच है! छवि ने भारती टेलीवेंचर से प्रबन्धक की नौकरी छोड़ अपने गाँव की सेवा करने का मन बनाया और सरपंच चुनाव लड़ा!
बैठक में अपने विचार व्यक्त करते हुए इस युवा महिला सरपंच ने कहा कि हमे इ=सर्विसेज जैसे नै तकनीक को अपनाना चाहिए ताकि हम मिलेनियम डेवलपमेंट गोल हासिल कर सकें! उन्होंने कहा कि भारत देश की ग्रामीण स्तर महिलायें भी अपनी विशेष पहचान बना सकती हैं जरूरत है तो जागरूकता की,खुद की क्षमता को पहचानने की! भारत को स्वतन्त्रता मिले 65 साल बीत चुके हैं लेकिन जो प्रगति होनी चाहिए थी वह नहीं हो पाई है क्योंकि भारत के गाँव आज भी पिछड़े हुए हैं जो की बड़े अफ़सोस की बात है! अपने विकास के लिए गाँव वालों को ही आगे आना पड़ेगा,ताभिगास सम्भव होगा! इस दिशा में उठाया गया मेरा यह कदम अगर कारगर सिद्ध हुआ तो मेरे लिए ये बहुत ख़ुशी की बात होगी!


SANJAY PAHWA : , Chandigarh :
Naveen Garewal of The Tribune Publications was elected President and Nalin Acharya of Him Prabha - Naya Lokyug was elected General Secretary of Chandigarh Press club on 27th March,2011. The Garewal panel won eight out of nine seats. The only reserved post for women of Vice President -1 was won by Nanki Hans panel Nirupma Dutt. In total 413 votes were polled out of 501 votes. Naveen defeated Nanki with a very close margin of 5 votes. Sukhbir Bajwa defeated Vinay Malik for the post of Senior Vice President with a highest margin of 89 votes .
President - Naveen Garewal, Senior Vice President - Sukhbir Bajwa, Vice President 1- Nirupma Dutt, Vice President II- Manvir Saini, Secretary General- Nalin Acharya, Secretary- Avtar singh, Joint secretary- Khushal Lali, Joint Secretary II-Vikrant Parmar, Treasurer- Jaswant Rana.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

दुर्घटना में बच्चा घायल

Scenario of Excise policy 2011-12 not clear so far : Chandigarh Wine Merchants Association

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa :
Financial Year 2010-11 is heading towards end leaving only two days, but the scenario of excise policy 2011-12 is not clear so far. As highlighted in the media it is apprehended that that Administration is under the pressure of liquor barons and is thinking to twist the policy as per their requirement, irrespective of taking care of the traders already in the field under diplomatic tactics or lame excuse.
Since the introduction of modern Excise policy in the year 2006-07 there have been revision in all the four ingredients with increase in licence fee, excise duty etc. year to year basis. At this stage Govt. is at liberty again to increase any ingredient i.e. reasonable licencer fees, suitable excise duty and normal Assessment fees.
Addressing the media at a press conference Satyapal Choujar said I would like to steal a few minutes of your valuable time on behalf of Association and will draw your attention that this current Modern policy was adopted by U.T. Chandigarh on the instructions of the Hon’ble Home Minister of India who was none other than the present Administrator of U.T. Chandigarh.
We are not averse to the entry of new players, if Govt. wants to increase the number of vends, application may kindly invited. It neither sounds healthy nor logical to erect a house after demolishing the existing one.
All the metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata & J & K too have licensing systems since generations. No doubt the number of vends have been increased without disturbing the existing one as per the need of situation.
Most ot the News papers has reflected that the Administration is likely to introduce new players in the filed of liquor trade and also is keen to enhance the Govt. revenue. These all points will be explained by the Association one by one for your perusal with the genuine expectation that media who is the guardian of masses will take care of their interest. The excise revenue total combination of four major ingredients are Licence fees, Rate of Excise Duty, Assessment fees and VAT.

उपमंडल एवं तहसील परिसर का मुआयना

यूथ कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग संपन्न

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Captivating and magnificent, the new BMW 6 Series Convertible debuts in India.

A perfect symbiosis of aesthetics, dynamism and flowing elegance inevery detail, the new BMW 6 Series Convertible offers an unmatched
open-top driving experience that doesn‟t get any better.
Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa : 
 The new BMW 6 Series Convertible was launched today at The Leela Palace Kempinski, Udaipur. The new BMW 6 Series Convertible is available as a petrol variant and can be ordered at BMW dealerships across India.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be available in India as a Completely Built-up Unit (CBU) and the all India ex-showroom prices are as follows –
The new BMW 650i Convertible : ` 95,00,000
Note: Ex-showroom price excludes RTO registration charges, tax, insurance, handling charges; Octroi and entry tax (asapplicable). The above ex-showroom prices are exclusive of sales tax / VAT applicable on sale to the customer. Prices and options are subject to change without prior notice.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible sets a benchmark for exclusive open-top driving. Sophisticated styling with aesthetic proportions, elegant lines, sporty „shark nose‟ of the BMW kidney grille, closeness to the road and wide and low design language make the new BMW 6 Series Convertible appear uncompromisingly dynamic. Exclusive interior with clear driver orientation, sleek styling, masterfully crafted details and room for four adults set a new bar in this segment.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible comes with an eight-speed sports automatic transmission with rapid and precise gear changes with gear shift paddles on the steering wheel. It also features Drive Dynamic Control, which allows drivers to vary the car’s sporting characteristics and comfort by choosing the desired suspension settings (Normal, Sports and Sports+).
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible conceals unmatched power beneath the hood, combining instantaneous power development, majestic torque and outstanding smoothness. A 4.4 litre V8 engine with BMW TwinPower Turbo Technology and direct injection develops a maximum output of 300 kW/407 hp between 5,500 – 6,400 rpm as well as maximum torque of 600 Nm all the way from 1,750 to 4,500 rpm. The new BMW 6 Series Convertible accelerates to 100 km/h in just 5 seconds with a top speed of 250 km/hr.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible embodies an extremely contemporary form of luxury, one not defined by the wasteful use of resources but instead spawned directly from superior technology. BMW EfficientDynamics has innovative technologies such as Intelligent Lightweight Design*, Electronic Power Steering*, TwinPower Turbo Technology* and Brake Energy Regeneration.*
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be available in Alpine White as non-metallic paintwork and in the following metallic colours: Orion Silver, Titanium Silver, Black Sapphire, Havanna, Space Grey, Deep Sea Blue and Vermillion Red.
Dakota leather is the standard upholstery and is available in the following colour combinations: Black, Ivory White and Cinnamon Brown. The following interior trims are available: Fine-wood trim poplar grain grey and Fine-wood trim American Oak.
BMW EfficientDynamics
Getting More for Less: BMW Efficient Dynamics is the world‟s most comprehensive technology package for the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. And the best part: BMW EfficientDynamics reduces fuel consumption and emissions while simultaneously increasing driving dynamics. The result is sensational driving pleasure combined with low fuel consumption – and it‟s standard in all models.
Brake Energy Regeneration: As soon as the driver takes his/her foot off the accelerator, the car‟s redundant kinetic energy is transformed into storable electrical energy. The battery is thus charges “for free”. The result: Less engine power is needed to feed the battery which saves fuel.
Electronic Power Steering: The electromechanical steering only operates during the actual steering process. When driving straight ahead, or at a constant steering angle, the electric motor does not consume any energy.
BMW TwinPower Turbo Technology: This innovative turbocharging process very efficiently recycles exhaust gas flow through two turbochargers.
Intelligent Lightweight Design has been achieved primarily through the use of high-strength multi-phase steels, high-strength hot-moulded steels and aluminium and design construction of the soft-top roof and stowage compartment.


देश का गौरव है कुंजपुरा हरयाणा का शैनिक स्कूल

मनरेगा ग्रामीणों के लिए वरदान सिद्ध

युवाओ का सहयोग जरुरी : डॉ. अशोक कश्यप

प्रतियोगिताओ का आयोजन

3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival opens today

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa:
 India’s vibrant culture took centre stage as a highlight of opening of 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival today. The much-cherished 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage festival unveiled today with a brilliant live performance by 300 artists from all across the country. The five day long cultural bonanza was inaugurated by Sh M.P.Singh Secretary to Governor in the presence of senior officials of the Chandigarh Administration.
The festival added a new flavor in the heavily crowded Sector `17 Plaza in the evening through its unique progamme titled Indradhanush-celebrating the Diversity of India” in which the tribal and folk dance of India was arranged by NZCC and Chandigarh Administration. This vivacious colourful performance by the NZCC artists was held at Sector 17 today . As many as 300 accomplished folk dancers drawn from different states of India brought a live the diverse regional cultural of the regions in the cultural extravaganza. The event marked the opening of 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival. The folk dancers presented a spell binding choreographic dance medley performance representing different cultural regional zones of the country.
In the beginning, Prologue, a folk instrument piece opened the show followed by dances which were beautifully choreographed to enthral the Public at large .The different dancing form of Art were tribal dance Jabro from Jammu & Kashmir, Ghasiari (tribal dance of Uttrakhand), Bihu (folk dance of Assam),Garba Raas(traditional dance Gujrat), Kalbelia (Rajasthan), Cheraw(Mizorom),Mewari (Gujrat), Pungcholam ad Pholcholum from Manipur, Bhag (Haryana),Chhau dance(Jharkhand).Thangia(Manipur),Myoor(Uttarpradesh), Sambalpuri Orissa), Bhangra(Punjab),Siddigoma(Gujrat).This grand finale evening concluded with a live performance by Gurmeet bawa.
A ninety minutes show was so aesthetical and brought the diversity, cultural, heritage of India on one common platform. The traditional costume worn by the artists of their respective states made the performance vibrant and lively. The traditional folk instruments used had reverberated the ambiance. A unique stage was set up by the Chandigarh Administration for this event was unusual in its own with a three tier stage. These folk dances were creative work with the artistic steps and postures accompanied by the rhythmical movements of vocal and instrumental music.
In addition to this, an art workshop organized by Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi and led by celebrated artist Atul Dodiya with ten young Chandigarh artists opened at 4pm with city artists painting a common canvas and Dodiya announcing that he would be making sketches in his sketch book, painting water colours and see portfolios of other artists. The workshop will be open everyday from 1 pm to 6 pm till 30th March at Government Museum and Art Gallery Sector 10. Tomorrow, there will be a live performance by Sarod Vadan Ustad Amjad Ali Khan at 6.30 pm at Tagore Theatre.

Friday, March 25, 2011

painting exitibition


New Delhi, (PremBabu Sharma) :
Cartoon Network’s New Generations™ 2011 study revealed today that Indian kids are more connected than ever as 79% of respondents are mobile phone users and 92% of kids have mobile phones in their homes - compared to just 17% a decade ago. With more access to consumer electronics, the number of kids with computers at home has increased from 6% in 2001 to 22% in 2011. Only 2% of homes surveyed had DVD Players in 2001 which has leapfrogged to 61% today.
The New Generations 2011 study was presented by Monica Tata, VP and Deputy GM, Entertainment Networks, South Asia Turner International India and Yash Chopra, Bollywood’s eminent Director and Producer during India’s largest media & entertainment industry event, FICCI Frames 2011 convention. Cartoon Network’s patented kids’ lifestyle research analyses the evolution of Indian kids, including their behaviour, attitudes and preferences, over the past 10 years.
Celebrating Cartoon Network’s 10 year milestone, Monica Tata, VP and Deputy GM, Entertainment Networks, South Asia Turner International India said, “We are extremely proud of this landmark achievement as it has been an enriching journey closely observing Indian kids evolve over the last 10 years. As the largest study of its kind, we’re pleased to not only be part of kids’ lifestyles but also contribute to society valuable insights on this dynamic consumer segment, which is tomorrow’s decision maker.”
Additional findings revealed that kids in India are more likely to interact with computers and online than their parents! Amongst internet users, 22% of kids’ access the internet daily and 67% of kids play online games followed by 51% of kids listening to or downloading music amongst internet users. Furthermore, 45% of kids go online to search for information, 26% for emailing, 23% for homework and 19% for social networking. Surprisingly, girls are just as active gamers as boys with 68% playing games online compared to 66% of boys. Mobile emerged as the most commonly used platform for gaming by kids (50%) followed by gaming consoles (35%). In the social network space, Facebook emerged as the number one social network website (93%) followed by orkut (50%).
Indian kids’ spending power is on the move with pocket money increasing 201% over the past 10 years. Girls’ average monthly pocket money is as much (Rs. 280) as boys (Rs. 277). Further, 58% kids receive gift money and the average annual gift money stood at Rs. 845 in 2010 vis-à-vis Rs. 567 in 2009 and Rs. 306 in 2006. 55% of kids save part of their pocket money with the survey indicating that girls tend to save more of it (59%) as compared to boys (52%). The most preferred financial tool for kids’ saving by parents is insurance (51%).
Duncan Morris, Vice President, Research and Market Development, Turner International Asia Pacific Ltd., said, "Knowing kids is in Cartoon Network's DNA and this is reflected in our 10 year commitment to researching kids' lifestyles and opinions via New Generations. Over the last decade kids in India have been on quite a journey, and those we surveyed in the early years are now adults earning more than just pocket money! Today's kids are more connected and more influential than ever before, but while one in 10 has their own mobile phone, and 8 in 10 homes have Internet access, New Generations will no doubt chart continued growth as Indian kids start to rival their connected cousins in other countries like Australia and the USA, where more than 50% have their own mobile, and 8 in 10 are Internet users."
48% of parents are likely to consider their child’s opinion while buying a mobile phone. Further, parents involving their kids in car purchase decision making has grown from 25% in 2001 to 63% in 2011.
The passage of time has done nothing to erode kids’ love of cartoons which continues to be kids’ favourite television genre. Additionally, television continues to remain the top medium with 95% of the respondents having watched TV yesterday. Cartoon Network has led as the number one channel for 10 years in a row and POGO as number two channel since 2004 not only as kids’ favourite channel but also as the kids’ channel most watched by parents.
When it comes to Bollywood icons, King Khan still makes kids’ world go round. A great record for Shahrukh Khan as kids have ranked him as their favourite actor for almost a decade. Meanwhile, Katrina Kaif has seen a surge in her popularity with kids and has been the top female actor of choice since 2009. Sachin Tendulkar continues to be kids’ favourite sports icon in all New Generations except for 2008 where M.S. Dhoni toppled his throne.
The New Generations™ 2011 surveyed a total of 3759 kids of 7-14 years of age and 1121 parents of 4-6 years old kids in SEC A, B and C across 19 centers including, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Nasik, Ahmedabad, Lucknow. Launched as a pan-Asia Pacific initiative in 1998 New Generations is currently conducted in India, Pakistan, Australia, Taiwan and Philippines in the region. First unveiled in India in 2001, New Generations™ remains the largest kids’ research study in India.

नौशीन अली सरदार बीन्द बनूँगा-घोड़ी चढूँगा में

नई दिल्ली। (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा ) धारवाहिक ‘कुसूम’ से सुर्खियों मेे आई नौशीन अली सरदार फिल्म एक लंबे समय के बाद में नजर आयी फिल्म दो दिलों के खेल में । इसके बाद उनक अता पता तक नही था। अब चर्चा है कि वे इमेजिन पर जल्द प्रसारित धारावाहिक ‘बीन्द बनूँगा-घोड़ी चढूँगा’ में काम काम कर रही है। मारवाड़ी पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित इस धारावाहिक में नए कलाकारों के अलावा में हिमानी शिवपुरी, अनुज ठाकुर, अक्षय आनंद, भी है। यह धारावाहिक की कहनी एक लड़की अपनी इच्छाओं और आकांक्षाओं को साथ में लेकर बहू बनती है।
वह घर के काम भी संभालती है, पति की देखभाल भी करती है और साथ में खुद के करियर को भी तेजी से आगे बढ़ाती है। इसमें किस तरह की कठिनाइयाँ आती हैं, यह धारावाहिक का मूल कथ्य है। हिमानी शिवपुरी ने नायिका की दादी का किरदार निभाया !!

नैना का रंग ‘कोई है अपना’ में

नई दिल्ली। (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा ) :
ंनवोदित तारिका नैना इन दिनों खासी उत्साहित है और हो भी क्यो ना, क्योकि इन दिनों वे श्री कुंजिका फिल्म्स के बैनर निर्मित निर्देशक राम गोपाल माली ने किया है। फिल्म के निर्माता है भरत गिरी , की फिल्म कोई है अपना’ मे लीड रोल जो कर रही है। अस फिल्म पर उनका कहना था कि यह साफ सुथरी परिवारिक कहानी पर बनी फिल्म है। फिल्म की कहानी प्रतिशोध और बलिदान पर अधारित है।फिल्म का मूल कथानक यह है कि किस तरह से एक आदमी नायक धरम अपनी इच्छाओं और आकांक्षाओं को साथ में लेकर अपने परिवार का पालता है और साथ में खुद के करियर को भी तेजी से आगे बढ़ाता है। इसमें किस तरह की कठिनाइयाँ आती हैं, उसके प्रतिद्वंदी और उससे नफरत करने वाला नागराज व बनारसी पंडित ( परेश भटट)। उससे बदला लेते है लेकिन ऐसे में उसा साथ देती है उसकी प्रेमिका अंजली ।यह फिल्म का मूल कथ्य है।
फिल्म में धरम गिरी,नैना, महेश गिरी ,परेश भटट ,वर्षा चंन्द्रा,अल्ताफ भी है। फिल्म मंे संगीत दिया है सतीश देहरास न,े और गीत लिखें है हरसुख घायल और महेश गिरी ने। फिल्म की शूटिंग मुंमई के अलावा गुजरात में बडौदा, आनंद, नाडियाड,राजकोट में की गई है। फिल्म में छः गीत है जिन्हें स्वर दिया है , कुमार सानू,सोनू कक्कड और संजीवनी ने। फिल्म के संपादक के.डी. दिलीप, डांस महेश बलराज, फाईट हनीफ शेख का है।

जादू मैं घर-घर खेली का

नई दिल्ली (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा) :
मैं घर-घर खेली टीवी शो ने क्रिकेट का बुखार की चरम सीमा के बावजूट भी सीरियल को दर्शकों ने पंसद किया। राजश्री की टीवी डिवीजन की हेड कविता बड़जात्या का कहना है कि हम इस ट्रेक के प्रति दर्शकों की प्रतिक्रिया से आश्वस्त थे।
वैसे भी लोकप्रियता बढ़ना आश्चर्य की बात ही है ! लेकिन, राजश्री प्रोडक्शंस के इस सीरियल ने क्रिकेट की इस खुमारी के बीच दर्शक जुटाने का कारनामा किया है। विपरीत परिस्थितियों के बावजूद, राजश्री ने हमेशा ही अपने दर्शकों का ध्यान रखा है और लोकप्रियता बढ़ने की मुख्य वजह भी यही है। जब यशोधरा की सचाई सामने आई थी, तभी राजश्री ने दर्शकों का पैमाना नापने की इकाई (टीआरपी) में 350 अंकों के साथ ही 5.1 टीआरपी को छुआ था।
हमारा अनुमान सही निकला और इस उत्साहवर्द्धक ऊँचाई को पाना बहुत बड़ी बात है! राजश्री की टीम ने इस सफलता के लिए कड़ा परिश्रम किया है। हम खुश हैं तथा इस सफलता को नई ऊँचाई की ओर ले जाने की कोशिशें जारी रखेंगे। रात साढ़े ८ बजे के स्लॉट में हम लीड कर रहे हैं। मेघा गुप्ता की माँ का किरदार निभा रही ज्योति गउबा ने बताया कि मुख्य कारण जिसकी वजह से मैंने यह भूमिका चुनी, वह राजश्री है। यह पहला अवसर है जब मैं उनके साथ काम कर रही हूँ।


Chandigarh:Sanjay Pahwa :
University Institute of Applied Management Sciences , Panjab University celebrated their 1st day of annual fest ( Business Hustle). PRAZNIK 2011. The day started with Academic meet inaugrated by Prof. Ahluwalia and Prof. Prem Kumar. Academic activities were further proceeded by the guest lectures of several HRs and Managers.
Evening show started with The FASHION NIGHT and the ROCK performance by Band BLACK HEAVEN . PU's 2 famous departments clashed with each other on the same platform of fashion ramp. The Chief Guest of the evening show was Dr. S.S. Bhamra. Around 50 students participated in the fashion show compiled with 3 rounds i.e. Ethnic, Casual, Face the Judge. Around 700 spectators witnessed young PU faces shining on the ramp.
At the end of event, UIAMS Director, Prof. Sanjeev Sharma appreciated the whole organising team of PRAZNIK for their endless efforts and the fest will continue for further 2 days i.e. 25 Mar 2011- WAR OF DJs and 26 Mar 2011- Hip Hop Hustle.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

80वाँ शहादत दिवस मनाया

सरपंच के खिलाफ मोर्चा


म्यूजियम में ही दिखेगा अब 25 पैसे का सिक्का

खुशबू (ख़ुशी), इन्द्री :
पहले लोगों को मंदिरों में सवा रूपये का प्रसाद चढ़ाने के लिए 25 पैसे जैसे तैसे मिल ही जाया करते थे!
आर बी आई ने एक अधिसूचना जारी कर 30 जून 2011 तक इन सिक्कों का प्रचलन खत्म करने का फैसला किया है! जिसे मानना सभी बैंको के लिए जरूरी है! स्टेट बैंक सहित सभी बैंको को ग्राहकों से इन सिक्कों को वापिस लेने के निर्देश जारी कर दिए गये हैं! इसी के साथ कम मूल्य के ये सिक्के पुराने जमाने की बात बन जायेंगे!
भले ही आज इनका अस्तित्व सिमट गया हो पर बैंक ने इन्हें आज भी विधिक मुद्रा के रूप में मान्यता दी हुई है! लेकिन 30 जून के बाद ये सिक्के लेखा के साथ-साथ लें दें में विधिक मुद्रा में भी नहीं रहेंगे!अब देखना ये है कि बैंक आर बी आई के इस निर्देश का पालन करते हैं या नहीं क्योंकि लिखित निर्देश दिए जाने के बावजूद अभी तक भी बैंकों की ओर से नोटिस नहीं लगाया गया है!!

अब ऐसा नहीं होगा! अब 25 पैसे का सिक्का लोगों को तलाशने पर भी नहीं मिलेगा! क्योंकि रिजर्व बैंक ने इसे म्यूजियम तक सिमित रखने की तयारी कर ली है! मतलब यह की अब यह म्यूजियम में ही देखने को मिलेगा, बाज़ारों में नहीं!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

रेत खननं जोरो पर

शहीदी दिवस मनाया

Keys Hotel Celebrates Cricket World Cup 2011’

Ludhiana, Sanjay Pahwa :
As the Cricket World Cup fever builds up, Keys Hotels,Ludhiana invites its customers to join in the celebrations and take the game to a new level of excitement. Now you will not only be able to enjoy the match with your near and dear ones on a big screen, but get clean-bowled with the specially designed World Cup Menu that brings the world to you on a platter.

This innovative Cricket World Cup menu has been designed by Executive Chef Yagya, and his team at Keys Hotel. “Cricket is almost a way of life in India, and with India’s prospects looking very promising this World Cup, we want to connect with our customers through our specially designed menu, which is a perfect blend of various dishes like India ki Googly, Aussie Chicken, Pakistani Pind Ke Chole and Irish Macaroni Pasta to name a few,” said Executive Chef Yagya. The specially designed World Cup menu, brings to the plate the spirit of 14 nations competing for the World cup.

Animation film CRACKERS set to release on 20th May 2011

New Delhi, (Prembabu Sharma) :
Animation film CRACKERS is scheduled to release on 20th May 2011. ‘CRACKERS’ is India’s one of the first 3 – D Stereoscopic full length animation feature film. Crackers is releasing under the banner of R T M Technologies Pvt Ltd.
The Story of ‘Crackers’ is about today’s youth and how they can fight the evil of terrorism. The Director has tried to create a role modelfrom  amongst the zealous youngsters of today, the generation X, that can and should stand up to the menace of evil. According to the story, the strength to fight it is within us and we are the heroes of society.
First half of the movie is full of fun, comedy and romance on college campus, where a youth festival is in full swing. Second half deals with a terror attack on the campus and how the youth channelizes their energy to counter and foil the attack. Movie revolves around Four characters - Angry Young Man Roxy, Gopu and Sexy Kate along with comic character of Bolly who brings in the fun element in the movie.
Story & dialogues are by Priyank Dubey, music is by Dilip Sen & lyrics by Sudhakar Sharma. Songs are rendered by singers like Shaan, Shreya Goshal, Hariharan, Pamela Jain, Raja Hasan, Jolly Mukherjee etc.

Oxford Bookstores hosted an enthralling book reading session

New Delhi, (PremBabu Sharma) :
Oxford Bookstore, Delhi and NEN hosted an engaging book reading session of The Fresh Brew- Chronicles of Business and Freedom, by Amit Haralalka & Amitabh Thakur. The Fresh Brew is a compilation of inspiring life stories of twenty five IIM Lucknow alumni who gave up their lucrative jobs to follow their heart, their dream and their passion. Nitin Das, a renowned film maker, Saurabh Chopra, a successful entrepreneur and Sumant Bhargava, An IIM graduate and MD of Stargaze Entertainment graced the evening at the occasion as the Guests of Honor.
The Fresh Brew- Chronicles of Business and Freedom has been written by two IIM Lucknow alumni - Amit Haralalka & AmitabhThakur who have penned down the lives of twenty five young people who did it all to do what they were most passionate about in their life. These alumni chose not to tread the beaten path and became entrepreneurs or pursued alternate careers of their choice. The book is a collection of their experiences and intends to bring out the subtle dilemmas that they negotiated-both personal and professional. The reading session was very engaging and the audience at the event drew a lot of inspiration from the stories that were read out to them.

Some praise for the book:

"I am sure, this book will inspire the creation of many such leaders who would emerge as employment generators for the nation."
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, in his Foreword to the book
“Too many books just focus on the ‘good and successful’ parts of entrepreneurship, but this book makes you feel both the pain and the glory achieved by the entrepreneurs. Read it, read it again and if you have the guts to make the leap, do it.”
Allwin Agnel, Founder & CEO,“These fabulous and well-told stories span entrepreneurship from areas as diverse as arts, IT, and football. I found myself inspired by the entrepreneurs’ perseverance and passion. If you haven’t yet decided to follow your dream, after reading these stories, you surely will!”Laura Parkin, CEO and Co-founder, National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)

About the Book:
The Fresh Brew contains inspiring life stories of twenty five IIM Lucknow Alumni who followed their heart, their dream, their passion! Many gave up lucrative careers with leading banks, consulting firms, marketing firms, technology firms to strike out on their own. They became entrepreneurs or pursued alternate and independent careers. This is a collection of their experiences and learning’s and brings out the subtle dilemmas that they negotiated on their quest for independence – both personal and professional.

About the Authors:

Amit Haralalka is from the MBA class at IIM Lucknow. He has experience across consumer goods, technology and education and blogs at,Amitabh Thakur is a fellow at IIM Lucknow. He is an IPS officer and is also associated with social work as President of IRDS and National RTI Forum.

Fourth edition of CNBC-TV18 and DHL ‘International Trade Awards 2011’

New Delhi, (Prembabu sharma) :
Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hon. Minister of State for Commerce and Industry will inaugurate the fourth edition of ‘International Trade Awards 2011’ to be presented by CNBC-TV18, India’s No. 1 business medium in association with DHL, the world’s leading Logistics Company, in the city on March 24, 2011. These awards exclusively aim at recognizing innovation and excellence demonstrated by the Indian importers and exporters at the International Trade facilitation in India.
The Indian import and export industry has contributed significantly to the Indian economy especially by achieving the export target of $200 billion mark for the fiscal year 2010 – 2011. While India’s exports were estimated at $235 billion, the imports are expected to reach the $350 billion mark. As a result, the trade deficit is expected to come down to $115 billion from an earlier projection of $135 billion.
This resultant growth in India’s export and import industry can be attributed to the government’s strategy of encouraging diversification into newer markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America and increasing focus on non-traditional exports to the USA. The government has also proposed measures to boost exports by capitalizing on the engineering and chemical sectors which has a greater demand abroad. Additionally, the government has formulated product strategies that will build on intrinsic strengths of some industries; market diversification; incentivizing research and development; and building a Brand India. This will help the Commerce Ministry to achieve its target of doubling the exports to $450 billion by the fiscal year 2013 – 2014.
While the Commerce Ministry is developing strategies to bring down the fiscal deficit, it is still faced with challenges trying to balance between a strong rupee, the shrinking markets of Europe and the US, hardening interest rates and rising input costs. Facilitating infrastructure development has also been a challenge for the government. Additionally, the weak recovery in the industrialized economies and the recent disasters in Japan will call into question the assumption of world trade bouncing back to pre-crisis levels.
In such a scenario, the major challenge of the Commerce Ministry will be to encourage the Indian exports by every possible means in order to maintain the recent momentum in addition to finding means of balancing the performance of India’s imports which are likely to be affected by the recent hikes in the petroleum prices.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anil Uniyal, CEO, CNBC-TV18 and CNBC AWAAZ said, “We are proud to partner with DHL for the fourth edition of International Trade Awards 2011. The Awards will represent the finest of the international trading community and highlight their extraordinary achievements. As we continue to honour and recognize innovation and excellence showcased by the Indian entrepreneurs on a global platform, we feel equally privileged in watching the custodians of 'Brand India' being rewarded for making their mark globally."
Adding further, Mr. R.S. Subramanian, Country Head, DHL Express India said, “DHL India is proud to have created this platform to honour the outstanding entrepreneurs who have braved the times, set new benchmarks and brought a lot of credence to the “Made in India” tag. The International Trade Awards 2011 acknowledges all the fore runners on whose resilience we can only be sure that India will sustain its growth momentum. ”
Walking the tightrope, the Commerce Ministry is determined to execute their entrepreneurial skills to grow the Indian import and export businesses. However, one of biggest challenges in current circumstance that arises is ‘Can India’s exports touch the $500 bn mark by 2015?’ On the launch of such an empowering initiative, join Sheeren Bhan as she deliberates with a panel of India's global ambassadors such as Mr. Ramu Deora, President, Federation of Indian Export Organization; Mr. R. C. Bhargava, Maruti Suzuki India Limited; Mr. R. S. Subramanian, Country Head, DHL Express along with Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hon. Minister of State for Commerce and Industry on questions about how Indian exports will play a major role in India’s double digit GDP targets and what kind of support will Indian exporters receive from the government to achieve their targets.
CNBC-TV18 and DHL hopes to create an atmosphere that will enable the stalwarts of the export industry engage in dialogue that will stimulate export and help boost the economy, finally making the Indian growth story viable.
CNBC-TV 18 is India's No.1 business medium and the undisputed leader in business news. And its leadership epitomizes the fact that India means business. It delivers quality and involved audiences that comprise a comprehensive viewership base greater than similar offerings in the business space across all media. The channel's benchmark coverage extends from corporate news, financial markets coverage, expert perspective on investing and management to industry verticals and beyond. CNBC-TV18 has been constantly innovating with new genres of programming that helps make business more relevant to different constituencies across the country. CNBC-TV18 is currently available in over 30 million households in India.
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The Logistics Company for the world”. DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 400,000 employees’ worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection, disaster management and education.
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 51.5 billion euros in 2010.


New Delhi, (Prembabu sharma) :
Living up to its aim of promoting the art, culture and traditions of India, Spandan Communications presented Raag Rang- the series of Indian classical music on March 18th 2011 held at The India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
The concert showcased the performance of renowned FATEH ALI (SITAR). He has embarked on a Career that promises to be illustrious and innovative. Years of training have exposed him to and enriched his music with the artistic aspects and nuances of diverse gharana styles. His distinctive style is strongly rooted in classical music traditions, which appeals to the orthodox as well as progressive. He displays deep insight and understanding of ragas by blending their purity with imaginative experiments. Fateh Ali is advancing his art form and skill in "Sitar" under the personal guidance and training of his father "USTAD GHULAM SABIR KHAN" again a well-known name in India for "SARANGI".
Commencing the program with Raga Puriya Kalyan Fateh Ali captivated the audience with his musical charm. He ended his performance with Holi special dhun.

He was accompanied by Sh. Rafiuddin Sabri on Tablas.
On this occasion, Anshuman Pandey gave a sincere thank to the artists for their unusual performance & to the audience for sparing their valuable time. He further added that these musical baithaks called ‘Raag Rang Evenings’ are organized with the purpose of promoting and reviving Indian Classical Music.
Also present in the gathering were Ravinder Mishra, Murad Ali, Anshuman Jain, Deepak Gupta and others.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

मायावती का पुतला फुका

इन्द्री, प्रदीप कुमार:-
इन्द्री  में मायावती द्वारा कांगेस नेता की गैरकानूनी ढंग से गिरफ्तारी के विरोध में फुका मायावती का पुतला !
इन्द्री रेस्ट हाउस में युवा कांग्रेश कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग हुई मीटिंग की अध्यक्षता इन्द्री हल्का युवा अध्यक्ष डॉक्टर सुनील पवार की अध्यक्षता में हुई इस अवसर पर डॉक्टर सुनील पवार ने युवा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग  को संबोधित करते हुए कहा की युवा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता मायावती की तानाशाही नीतियों को सहन नहीं करेंगे युवा कांग्रेस नेता पर गैरकानूनी ढंग से जो मायावती ने केश दर्ज करके उनकी गिरफ्तारी की है उसको कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता सहन नहीं करेंगे इसके चलते उन्होंने इन्द्री शहर में रेस्ट हाउस से होते हुए उधमसिंह चौक पर मायावती के पुतले को घसीटते हुए पर्दर्शन किया और मायावती के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की और बाद में मायावती के पुतले को जुटे मारे और पुतले को आग के हवाले कर दिया!

महिला वकील ने किया जहर खाकर आत्म हत्या का प्रयास

अम्बाला शहर, विजय काम्बोज :-
जिला अदालत में प्रैक्टिस करने वाली एक महिला वकील ने सल्फास की गोलियां निगलकर आत्महत्या करने का प्रयास किया। रितु मान नामक यह महिला कोर्ट में आपराधिक मामलों की वकील है।
रितू ने रम के साथ सल्फास की गोलिया निगल ली। वकील के बच्चो से जानकारी मिलते ही मौके पर पहुचे पड़ोसियों ने उसे अस्पताल पहुंचाया। घटना बुधवार को अंबाला-नारायणगढ़ रोड पर शहर के निकट स्थित जग्गी गार्डन कॉलोनी में हुई।
अस्पताल में उपचाराधीन रितु ने बताया कि वह घरेलू काम के चलते कोर्ट भी नहीं गई। उसके अनुसार दोपहर एक महिला का फोन आने के बाद वह इतनी तनावग्रस्त हो गई कि उसने सल्फास की गोलिया निगल ली, जिससे उसकी तबीयत बिगड़ने लगी लेकिन बच्चों ने उसकी हालत को देखकर पड़ोसियों को बुला लिया। उसने बताया कि पहले पति के लापता हो जाने के बाद उसने आरएन मान के साथ दूसरी शादी की थी। इस विवाह से उसके दो बच्चे है। उसने बताया कि बुधवार को उसे पंजोखरा पुलिस थाने में तैनात मुंशी प्रदीप राणा की पत्‍‌नी का फोन आया। उसने उसके चरित्र पर लाछन लगाए। मुंशी की पत्नी ने उसे चरित्रहीन औरत बताते हुए उसके कई लोगों के साथ संबंध होने की बात कहते हुए अपने पति के साथ भी अवैध संबंध जोड़ दिए। उसने बताया कि उसने एक वकील का नाम लेते हुए कहा कि वह उसके बारे में सारी जानकारी देता है। रितु ने कहा कि ये तमाम बातें सुनने के बाद वह तनाव में आ गई। उसने एक पत्र लिखकर अपने बेटे के हवाले किया। इस पत्र में बताया गया था कि वह किन कारणों से आत्महत्या कर रही है। इसके लिए कौन-कौन लोग जिम्मेदार है। इसके बाद उसने वहा पड़ी एक बोतल में पड़े तरल पदार्थ से सल्फास की गोलिया खा ली। अस्पताल में डयूटी पर तैनात डॉक्टर दलाल ने इस घटना की पुष्टि की है। उन्होंने बताया कि दोपहर बाद ऋतु नामक एक महिला अस्पताल में लाई गई जिसने सल्फास खाने की जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि उसकी स्थिति पर नजर रखी जा रही है ताकि कोई अनहोनी न होने पाए। उन्होंने महिला द्वारा रम के साथ सल्फास निगलने की भी पुष्टि की है। चिकित्सकों के अनुसार रितु की उलटी के नमूने प्रयोगशाला भेजे जा रहे हैं। उसकी रिपोर्ट आने के बाद ही सेवन की गई वस्तु की असलियत का पता चल पाएगा। मामले की जानकारी स्थानीय पुलिस को दे दी गई लेकिन वकील के बयान देने की स्थिति में नहीं होने के कारण कार्रवाई आगे नहीं बढ़ पाई।

भारतीय जनगणना : एक नजर

खुशबू(ख़ुशी), इन्द्री : -
भारत की जनसंख्या बीते एक दशक में 18.1 करोड़ बढ़कर अब 1.21 अरब हो गई है। जनगणना के ताजा आकड़ों के मुताबिक, देश में पुरुषों की संख्या अब 62.37 करोड़ और महिलाओं की संख्या 58.64 करोड़ है।जनसंख्या नियंत्रण के लिए प्रयास कर रहे देश के लिए अच्छी खबर यह है कि आबादी की वृद्धि दर में कमी देखी गई है। वर्ष 1991 की गणना में आबादी में 23.87 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि देखी गई थी, 2001 में 21.54 फीसदी की बढ़ोत्तरी देखी गई, जबकि वर्ष 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार बीते एक दशक में आबादी 17.64 फीसदी बढ़ी। इस तरह जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर में निरंतर गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। बीते एक दशक में वृद्धि दर में 3.90 फीसदी की कमी दर्ज की गई है।केंद्रीय गृह सचिव जी. के. पिल्लै और भारत के महापंजीयक और जनगणना आयुक्त सी. चंद्रमौली द्वारा यहा जारी जनगणना 2011 के 'अनंतिम' आकड़ों के अनुसार, अब भारत की 1.21 अरब की आबादी अमेरिका, इंडोनेशिया, ब्राजील, पाकिस्तान और बाग्लादेश की कुल आबादी से भी ज्यादा है।उत्तर प्रदेश देश का सर्वाधिक आबादी वाला राज्य है। अगर उत्तर प्रदेश और महाराष्ट्र के आकड़ों को मिला दिया जाए तो दोनों राज्यों की कुल आबादी अमेरिका की जनसंख्या से अधिक होगी।

अंतरिम आकड़ों के अनुसार, लिंगानुपात में सुधार हुआ है। पिछली जनगणना के मुताबिक देश में प्रति एक हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 933 थी जो एक दशक में बढ़कर अब 940 हो गई है। आबादी में पुरुषों की संख्या 51.54 फीसदी और महिलाओं की संख्या 48.46 फीसदी है।महापंजीयक कार्यालय के आकड़ों के अनुसार, लिंगानुपात में सबसे अधिक फर्क संघ शासित प्रदेश दमन और दीयू में है जहा प्रति हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 615 है। दादरा और नगर हवेली में लिंगानुपात 775 है। वहीं, केरल में प्रति एक हजार पुरुषों पर महिलाओं की संख्या 1,084 दर्ज की गई है। पुडुचेरी में लिंगानुपात 1,038 है।
बहरहाल, चिंताजनक तथ्य यह है कि छह वर्ष तक की उम्र के बच्चो में लिंगानुपात में आजादी के बाद से सर्वाधिक गिरावट देखी गई है। पिछली गणना में यह लिंगानुपात 927 था जो अब घटकर 914 हो गया है।साक्षरता की बात करें तो अब देश में 74 फीसदी आबादी पढ़ना-लिखना जानती है। साक्षर लोगों की संख्या में बीते एक दशक में 38.8 फीसदी और साक्षरता की दर में 9.2 फीसदी का इजाफा हुआ है। साक्षर पुरुषों की संख्या 44.42 करोड़ और साक्षर महिलाओं की संख्या 33.42 करोड़ है।दिलचस्प रूप से, बीते एक दशक में साक्षर पुरुषों की संख्या में 31 फीसदी, जबकि साक्षर महिलाओं की संख्या में 49 फीसदी का इजाफा हुआ है।उत्तर प्रदेश की आबादी सबसे ज्यादा 19.95 करोड़ है, जबकि लक्षद्वीप में आबादी सबसे कम यानी 64,429 है।सर्वाधिक आबादी वाले पाच राज्यों में उत्तर प्रदेश के साथ ही महाराष्ट्र [11.23 करोड़], बिहार [10.38 करोड़], पश्चिम बंगाल [9.13 करोड़] और आध्र प्रदेश [8.46 करोड़] शामिल है।सबसे कम आबादी वाले पाच राज्यों में संघ शासित लक्षद्वीप के साथ ही दमन और दीयू [2.42 लाख], दादर और नगर हवेली [3.42 लाख], अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप [3.79 लाख] और सिक्किम [6.97 लाख] शामिल है।बीते एक दशक में उत्तर प्रदेश की जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर 25.85 फीसदी से कम होकर 20 फीसदी, महाराष्ट्र की 22.73 फीसदी से कम होकर 16 फीसदी, बिहार की 28.62 फीसदी से कम होकर 25.07 फीसदी, पश्चिम बंगाल की 18 फीसदी से 14 फीसदी, आध्र प्रदेश की 14.5 फीसदी से 11 फीसदी और मध्य प्रदेश की जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर 24 फीसदी से कम होकर 20.30 फीसदी हो गई है।चंद्रमौली के अनुसार, पहली बार ऐसा हुआ है कि उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, राजस्थान, उत्तराखड, झारखड, मध्यप्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ और उड़ीसा में आबादी वृद्धि दर में गिरावट आई है।विश्व आबादी में भारत की हिस्सेदारी अब 17.5 फीसदी है। भारत से आगे चीन है, जिसकी जनसंख्या विश्व आबादी की 19.4 फीसदी है। दिलचस्प पहलू यह है कि बीते एक दशक में भारत की आबादी 18.1 करोड़ बढ़ी है जो ब्राजील की कुल आबादी से थोड़ी ही कम है। ब्राजील विश्व का पाचवा सर्वाधिक आबादी वाला देश है।




Azab-Gazab Cricket Premi

Cricket Premi

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Prime Minister of Pakistan welcomed by UT Home Secretary, Mr. Ram Niwas at technical air port Chandigarh,followed by media addressing, on his arrival to watch semi final world cup cricket tournament on Wednesday

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,being welcomed by S.C.Aggrawal, at Technical Airport on Wednesday

President of Indian National Congress,Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi at Chd Airport

Golf from “Schools to Range”-

Chandigarh: Sanjay Pahwa:
Chandigarh Golf Association is set to launch a new golf programme tiltled Golf from “Schools to Range” at the CGA Golf Range on the 1st of April 2011 at 5.30 pm. This first- time initiative is being taken up by CGA along with the active support of Department of Education, Chandigarh. Mr. J.S. Cheema, President, CGA has been instrumental in setting up this initiative.
Principals from over twenty government schools of Chandigarh along with students interested in learning golf will participate in the launch. A policy is being made where these government schools will be associated with the CGA Golf Range for finding talented players of golf from among their students .
Sh. Sandeep Hans PCS, DPI (Schools) will be the chief guest on this occasion. Dr. J P S Sidhu, Joint Director Sports will be the guest of honour.

Graduation ceremony at The Banyan Tree school

Chandigarh - A Graduation ceremony was held at The Banyan Tree school sector 48 B , Chandigarh in the school premises.
The chief guest of the occasion was the Director of the school Mr. Ravinder Talwar.
The idea behind the ceremony lies in the belief that a student’s life is divided into different stages. The Kindergarten students got a cross-over to primary school and the grade V students to the middle school.
A grand function was organized in the school for the parents and the children. There was a fabulous fashion show for the moms and tough tongue- twisters for the dads. The musical chairs really raised the excitement.
The programme concluded with an inspirational speech by the Principal of the school Dr. Tarunveer Saini , who motivated the students to achieve great heights of success in their future endeavours.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Under Rastriya Gramin livelihood Mission started

INDRI , Pardeep Kumar :-
Under Rastriya Gramin livelihood Mission started by the Central Government as many as 10 Lacs families living below the poverty line in the country would be made self dependent during the year 2011-12. This was disclosed by Chief Secretary Haryana Smt. Urvasi Gulati while addressing the women members of Self help group at Rajiv Gandhi Community Development Centre Nilokheri about 20 kms. from karnal today. As many as 15 Lacs Self help group would be formed in the country during the 12 Plan under the above scheme, she added.
She said that those women who had excepted the challenge of going ahead and generate energy within themselves succeeded in the becoming the role model of the society in the country and the women has so proved in this session. She further said that the women imbibes energy in themselves to choose their path for their alround development and progress. Mrs. Gulati laid greater stress on delivery in huts made by the State Government to save the life of women and newly born child. This has resulted in saving the life of women and their newly born child to the extent of 23% in the year 2005 but delivery of women in huts has succeeded in saving the life of women and newly born children to 74% now.
Mrs. Gulati said that the men and women were the two wheels of the cart. In the society and the whole society is driven by this.
The Chief Secretary said that the Haryana Government had achieved 3rd position in the country in total sanitation programme launched by the Central Government. The Union Government had given prizes to 1248 villages under “Nirmal Purushkar Yojna”. The Watch Committies made by the State Government has succeeded in the success of this total sanitation programme.
Mrs. Gulati said that the women folk should use sanitary napkeens in order to save themselves from many a disease and also to suppliment their income. While referring to the disease of breast Cancer in women, she asked the Management of the Institute to provide knowledge about its cure by the women herself.
The success women of the followings Self help groups of the State expressed their views on this occasion.
Smt. Nirmala Chauhan from Yamuna Nagar narrated her story. She said that she was M.A. and after marriage she became house wife for 15 years. One day she came to know about the self help group schemes and adopted it and now she is earning Rs. 20 thousand per month from the various schemes like bee keeping & Noodels etc. Smt. Sumitra from Hisar said that 6 thousand women under self help group were working under her. I have succeeded in eliminating foeticide, dowery and removal of illitracy etc. from the society. And for doing these works I had been many a times honored by the Distt. Administration.
Earlier the Chief Secretary inaugurated Administrative Block built at a cost of Rs. 24 lacs. She also inaugurated Multipurpose Building built at a cost of Rs. 27 lacs 50 thousand.
Principal Secretary & Financial Commissioner Panchayati Department Haryana Mr. P.Raghvinder said that as many as 1050 Chopal for ladies in rural areas has been constructed sofar and 134 Stadium had been completed against a target of 190 stadias. The remaining would be completed by the end of Dec. 2011. The Director of Panchayat Mr. Anand Mohan Saran and Deputy Commissioner Smt. Neelam Pardeep Kasni also praised the role of women in their upliftment and alround progress.

Zeenat Aman come in bollywood

New Delhi ( prembabu sharm) :
glamour and sexiest bollywood vintage actress Zeenat Aman come back in bollywood the short film Adhuri Dulhan & Adhuri shave. Film produced by R.k. swami & gulshan based by TB…
jeenat One of the most hot , she become more popular in 1970 and 1960 decades and she dare to perform more nasty characters in those time. She is actually remarkable hot actress. Her performance on Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Don ,Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka , Alibaba Aur 40 Chor, Roti Kapada Aur Makaan was great and she did more hindi film like Heeralal Pannalal, Chaurahen , Bhopal Express , Sohni Mahiwal , Ashanti, Hare Raama Hare Krishna , Ajanabee , Insaf Ka Tarazu and More.She was the second runner up in the Miss India Contest in 1970 and she win the Miss Asia Pacific in 1970. She is the sex symbol of late 70s and 80s decade in Bollywood Cinema and she make herself as most debut Bollywood Celebrity in golden era of Bollywood cinema and she Introduce Glamour and Western heroine look in to Bollywood cinema.

मीडिया उत्सव 2011 इन कुरुक्षेत्र यनिवर्सिटी

Gunaho ke Devta in Avdesh & Arpita’s love Story

New Delhi,(prembabu Sharma) :
March 29, 2011: Avdesh (Ashish Sharma) & Arpita’s (Tanvi Bhatia) flaming love story despite all adversity has made them one of the most loved couples on small screen. However, this week be prepared to witness the most defining and shocking moment in their lives as the drama unfolds in Gunahon Ka Devta on Imagine.
Gunahon Ka Devta traces the love story between Arpita and a gangster Avdesh Singh Thakur who under the surface of his belligerence is a man with a golden heart. Set in a crime infested city of eastern UP Avdesh & Arpita’s passionate love story blossoms against a violent back drop. Emerging triumphant alongside all trials and tribulations just as Arpita & Avdesh’s lives were smooth-sailing destiny decides to play a foul game. Arpita is forced to accept indecent proposals from inspector Ranvijay Singh, Avdesh’s arch rival, for the well-being of her sister-in-law Shikha, who is pregnant with Ranvijay’s younger brother Tanmay’s baby. Avdesh, on discovering Arpita’s infidelity is filled with rage as he feels thoroughly cheated and betrayed by the woman he loves so dearly.
Further in an ensuing heated argument where Arpita tries to reason out her actions to an already annoyed and fuming Avdesh, she loses her balance and falls from the terrace hanging on struggling to save her life. Avdesh on the other hand, blinded by daunting rage walks away and fails to realize that Arpita has slipped off from the terrace and is hanging on,  desperately awaiting help and battling for her life.
Arpita eventually meets her death which marks a turning point in the show leaving the life of Avdesh irrevocably altered. However, there is someone who is witness to this major drama. Is this a planned murder or a mere accident? Will Avdesh ever find out the reasons behind Arpita’s infidelity or will the truth like Arpita also die a silent death? Will Avdesh be able to forgive himself for suspecting Arpita’s loyalty? Will he be able to come to terms with the grief of losing the love of his life? To know more keep watching Gunahon Ka Devta, every Monday to Friday 8:30 pm only on Imagine.

आदिवासी समुदाय की समस्याओं पर आधारित चित्र प्रदर्शनी

Monday, March 28, 2011


CHANDIGARH, Sanjay Pahwa:
 The Punjab Governor and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Mr. Shivraj V. Patil while presiding over a high level meeting today at Punjab Raj Bhavan, reviewed the security and other arrangements regarding the visit of dignitaries from India and Pakistan who are coming to watch semi final Cricket match going to be played at PCA Stadium Mohali between India and Pakistan on 30th March, 2011.
Mr. Patil gave clear cut instructions and guidelines to all the concerned officers to ensure that all arrangements should be made fool proof. He said no excuse would be tolerated at all from any corner. He further said that law and order should be maintained at any cost. He also asked the officers to discharge their duties dedicatedly and devotedly to make this event success and memorable.
Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Additional Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Mr. Pradip Mehra, Adviser to Administrator, Mr. S.C. Agrawal, Chief Secretary of Punjab, Mrs. Urvashi Gulati, Chief Secretary of Haryana, Mr. M.P. Singh, Principal Secretary to Governor, Director General of Police, Punjab and Haryana, Mr. Vishvajeet Khanna, Principal Secretary to Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab, Inspector General of Police, UT, Chandigarh, AOC, Air Force Station, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh and Mohali and SSP of Chandigarh & Mohali.

छवि ने चमकाई विश्व स्तर पर भारत की छवि

खुशबू (ख़ुशी) इन्द्री :
इसमें कोई शक नहीं की भारत की महिलाएं विश्व स्तर पर अपनी पहचान कायम कर रही हैं! हर क्षेत्र की महिलाएं आज देश में कई महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर काबिज हैं! इन्ही में से एक वर्ग है महिला सरपंचों का! लेकिन आज भारत में महिला सरपंच का मतलब थोड़ी बहुत पढ़ी लिखी,पति पर सरपंची कामो के लिए निर्भर,पारम्परिक वेशभूषा साड़ी धारण किये साधारण छवि वाली महिला नहीं बल्कि हाई प्रोफाइल,एम् बी ए या स्नातक या स्नातकोतर,ग्रामीण विकास में विश्वास रखने वाली और आत्मनिर्भर महिला है! इसका एक अपवाद है राजस्थान के सोडा गाँव की 30 वर्षीया पेशे से एम् बी ए सरपंच छवि राजावत देश की इस हाई प्रोफाइल सरपंच ने पुरुषवादी भारतीय समाज की परम्परा को तोड़ एक मुकाम हासिल किया है!  यह अपने सरपंची कामों के लिए किसी की आदमी की सहमती की मोहताज़ नहीं है!
हाल ही में देश की इस युवा सरपंच ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की 11वीं इन्फो पावरटी वर्ल्ड कांफ्रेंस में हिस्सा लिया
24 और 25 मार्च को हुई इस बैठक में गरीबी से लड़ने और विकास जैसे मुद्दों पर चर्चा हुई! बैठक में जींस-टॉप और कोट पहने इस युवा सरपंच को देखकर किसी को भी ये भरोसा नहीं हुआ कि भारत के एक छोटे से गाँव की सरपंच किसी फ़िल्मी नायिका की तरह फटाफट इंग्लिश बोलने वाली औए इतनी आकर्षक हो सकती है!
छवि भारत की सबसे कम आयु की पहली एम् बी ए सरपंच है! छवि ने भारती टेलीवेंचर से प्रबन्धक की नौकरी छोड़ अपने गाँव की सेवा करने का मन बनाया और सरपंच चुनाव लड़ा!
बैठक में अपने विचार व्यक्त करते हुए इस युवा महिला सरपंच ने कहा कि हमे इ=सर्विसेज जैसे नै तकनीक को अपनाना चाहिए ताकि हम मिलेनियम डेवलपमेंट गोल हासिल कर सकें! उन्होंने कहा कि भारत देश की ग्रामीण स्तर महिलायें भी अपनी विशेष पहचान बना सकती हैं जरूरत है तो जागरूकता की,खुद की क्षमता को पहचानने की! भारत को स्वतन्त्रता मिले 65 साल बीत चुके हैं लेकिन जो प्रगति होनी चाहिए थी वह नहीं हो पाई है क्योंकि भारत के गाँव आज भी पिछड़े हुए हैं जो की बड़े अफ़सोस की बात है! अपने विकास के लिए गाँव वालों को ही आगे आना पड़ेगा,ताभिगास सम्भव होगा! इस दिशा में उठाया गया मेरा यह कदम अगर कारगर सिद्ध हुआ तो मेरे लिए ये बहुत ख़ुशी की बात होगी!


SANJAY PAHWA : , Chandigarh :
Naveen Garewal of The Tribune Publications was elected President and Nalin Acharya of Him Prabha - Naya Lokyug was elected General Secretary of Chandigarh Press club on 27th March,2011. The Garewal panel won eight out of nine seats. The only reserved post for women of Vice President -1 was won by Nanki Hans panel Nirupma Dutt. In total 413 votes were polled out of 501 votes. Naveen defeated Nanki with a very close margin of 5 votes. Sukhbir Bajwa defeated Vinay Malik for the post of Senior Vice President with a highest margin of 89 votes .
President - Naveen Garewal, Senior Vice President - Sukhbir Bajwa, Vice President 1- Nirupma Dutt, Vice President II- Manvir Saini, Secretary General- Nalin Acharya, Secretary- Avtar singh, Joint secretary- Khushal Lali, Joint Secretary II-Vikrant Parmar, Treasurer- Jaswant Rana.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

दुर्घटना में बच्चा घायल

Scenario of Excise policy 2011-12 not clear so far : Chandigarh Wine Merchants Association

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa :
Financial Year 2010-11 is heading towards end leaving only two days, but the scenario of excise policy 2011-12 is not clear so far. As highlighted in the media it is apprehended that that Administration is under the pressure of liquor barons and is thinking to twist the policy as per their requirement, irrespective of taking care of the traders already in the field under diplomatic tactics or lame excuse.
Since the introduction of modern Excise policy in the year 2006-07 there have been revision in all the four ingredients with increase in licence fee, excise duty etc. year to year basis. At this stage Govt. is at liberty again to increase any ingredient i.e. reasonable licencer fees, suitable excise duty and normal Assessment fees.
Addressing the media at a press conference Satyapal Choujar said I would like to steal a few minutes of your valuable time on behalf of Association and will draw your attention that this current Modern policy was adopted by U.T. Chandigarh on the instructions of the Hon’ble Home Minister of India who was none other than the present Administrator of U.T. Chandigarh.
We are not averse to the entry of new players, if Govt. wants to increase the number of vends, application may kindly invited. It neither sounds healthy nor logical to erect a house after demolishing the existing one.
All the metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata & J & K too have licensing systems since generations. No doubt the number of vends have been increased without disturbing the existing one as per the need of situation.
Most ot the News papers has reflected that the Administration is likely to introduce new players in the filed of liquor trade and also is keen to enhance the Govt. revenue. These all points will be explained by the Association one by one for your perusal with the genuine expectation that media who is the guardian of masses will take care of their interest. The excise revenue total combination of four major ingredients are Licence fees, Rate of Excise Duty, Assessment fees and VAT.

उपमंडल एवं तहसील परिसर का मुआयना

यूथ कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओ की मीटिंग संपन्न

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Captivating and magnificent, the new BMW 6 Series Convertible debuts in India.

A perfect symbiosis of aesthetics, dynamism and flowing elegance inevery detail, the new BMW 6 Series Convertible offers an unmatched
open-top driving experience that doesn‟t get any better.
Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa : 
 The new BMW 6 Series Convertible was launched today at The Leela Palace Kempinski, Udaipur. The new BMW 6 Series Convertible is available as a petrol variant and can be ordered at BMW dealerships across India.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be available in India as a Completely Built-up Unit (CBU) and the all India ex-showroom prices are as follows –
The new BMW 650i Convertible : ` 95,00,000
Note: Ex-showroom price excludes RTO registration charges, tax, insurance, handling charges; Octroi and entry tax (asapplicable). The above ex-showroom prices are exclusive of sales tax / VAT applicable on sale to the customer. Prices and options are subject to change without prior notice.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible sets a benchmark for exclusive open-top driving. Sophisticated styling with aesthetic proportions, elegant lines, sporty „shark nose‟ of the BMW kidney grille, closeness to the road and wide and low design language make the new BMW 6 Series Convertible appear uncompromisingly dynamic. Exclusive interior with clear driver orientation, sleek styling, masterfully crafted details and room for four adults set a new bar in this segment.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible comes with an eight-speed sports automatic transmission with rapid and precise gear changes with gear shift paddles on the steering wheel. It also features Drive Dynamic Control, which allows drivers to vary the car’s sporting characteristics and comfort by choosing the desired suspension settings (Normal, Sports and Sports+).
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible conceals unmatched power beneath the hood, combining instantaneous power development, majestic torque and outstanding smoothness. A 4.4 litre V8 engine with BMW TwinPower Turbo Technology and direct injection develops a maximum output of 300 kW/407 hp between 5,500 – 6,400 rpm as well as maximum torque of 600 Nm all the way from 1,750 to 4,500 rpm. The new BMW 6 Series Convertible accelerates to 100 km/h in just 5 seconds with a top speed of 250 km/hr.
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible embodies an extremely contemporary form of luxury, one not defined by the wasteful use of resources but instead spawned directly from superior technology. BMW EfficientDynamics has innovative technologies such as Intelligent Lightweight Design*, Electronic Power Steering*, TwinPower Turbo Technology* and Brake Energy Regeneration.*
The new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be available in Alpine White as non-metallic paintwork and in the following metallic colours: Orion Silver, Titanium Silver, Black Sapphire, Havanna, Space Grey, Deep Sea Blue and Vermillion Red.
Dakota leather is the standard upholstery and is available in the following colour combinations: Black, Ivory White and Cinnamon Brown. The following interior trims are available: Fine-wood trim poplar grain grey and Fine-wood trim American Oak.
BMW EfficientDynamics
Getting More for Less: BMW Efficient Dynamics is the world‟s most comprehensive technology package for the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. And the best part: BMW EfficientDynamics reduces fuel consumption and emissions while simultaneously increasing driving dynamics. The result is sensational driving pleasure combined with low fuel consumption – and it‟s standard in all models.
Brake Energy Regeneration: As soon as the driver takes his/her foot off the accelerator, the car‟s redundant kinetic energy is transformed into storable electrical energy. The battery is thus charges “for free”. The result: Less engine power is needed to feed the battery which saves fuel.
Electronic Power Steering: The electromechanical steering only operates during the actual steering process. When driving straight ahead, or at a constant steering angle, the electric motor does not consume any energy.
BMW TwinPower Turbo Technology: This innovative turbocharging process very efficiently recycles exhaust gas flow through two turbochargers.
Intelligent Lightweight Design has been achieved primarily through the use of high-strength multi-phase steels, high-strength hot-moulded steels and aluminium and design construction of the soft-top roof and stowage compartment.


देश का गौरव है कुंजपुरा हरयाणा का शैनिक स्कूल

मनरेगा ग्रामीणों के लिए वरदान सिद्ध

युवाओ का सहयोग जरुरी : डॉ. अशोक कश्यप

प्रतियोगिताओ का आयोजन

3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival opens today

Chandigarh, Sanjay Pahwa:
 India’s vibrant culture took centre stage as a highlight of opening of 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival today. The much-cherished 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage festival unveiled today with a brilliant live performance by 300 artists from all across the country. The five day long cultural bonanza was inaugurated by Sh M.P.Singh Secretary to Governor in the presence of senior officials of the Chandigarh Administration.
The festival added a new flavor in the heavily crowded Sector `17 Plaza in the evening through its unique progamme titled Indradhanush-celebrating the Diversity of India” in which the tribal and folk dance of India was arranged by NZCC and Chandigarh Administration. This vivacious colourful performance by the NZCC artists was held at Sector 17 today . As many as 300 accomplished folk dancers drawn from different states of India brought a live the diverse regional cultural of the regions in the cultural extravaganza. The event marked the opening of 3rd Chandigarh Arts and Heritage Festival. The folk dancers presented a spell binding choreographic dance medley performance representing different cultural regional zones of the country.
In the beginning, Prologue, a folk instrument piece opened the show followed by dances which were beautifully choreographed to enthral the Public at large .The different dancing form of Art were tribal dance Jabro from Jammu & Kashmir, Ghasiari (tribal dance of Uttrakhand), Bihu (folk dance of Assam),Garba Raas(traditional dance Gujrat), Kalbelia (Rajasthan), Cheraw(Mizorom),Mewari (Gujrat), Pungcholam ad Pholcholum from Manipur, Bhag (Haryana),Chhau dance(Jharkhand).Thangia(Manipur),Myoor(Uttarpradesh), Sambalpuri Orissa), Bhangra(Punjab),Siddigoma(Gujrat).This grand finale evening concluded with a live performance by Gurmeet bawa.
A ninety minutes show was so aesthetical and brought the diversity, cultural, heritage of India on one common platform. The traditional costume worn by the artists of their respective states made the performance vibrant and lively. The traditional folk instruments used had reverberated the ambiance. A unique stage was set up by the Chandigarh Administration for this event was unusual in its own with a three tier stage. These folk dances were creative work with the artistic steps and postures accompanied by the rhythmical movements of vocal and instrumental music.
In addition to this, an art workshop organized by Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi and led by celebrated artist Atul Dodiya with ten young Chandigarh artists opened at 4pm with city artists painting a common canvas and Dodiya announcing that he would be making sketches in his sketch book, painting water colours and see portfolios of other artists. The workshop will be open everyday from 1 pm to 6 pm till 30th March at Government Museum and Art Gallery Sector 10. Tomorrow, there will be a live performance by Sarod Vadan Ustad Amjad Ali Khan at 6.30 pm at Tagore Theatre.

Friday, March 25, 2011

painting exitibition


New Delhi, (PremBabu Sharma) :
Cartoon Network’s New Generations™ 2011 study revealed today that Indian kids are more connected than ever as 79% of respondents are mobile phone users and 92% of kids have mobile phones in their homes - compared to just 17% a decade ago. With more access to consumer electronics, the number of kids with computers at home has increased from 6% in 2001 to 22% in 2011. Only 2% of homes surveyed had DVD Players in 2001 which has leapfrogged to 61% today.
The New Generations 2011 study was presented by Monica Tata, VP and Deputy GM, Entertainment Networks, South Asia Turner International India and Yash Chopra, Bollywood’s eminent Director and Producer during India’s largest media & entertainment industry event, FICCI Frames 2011 convention. Cartoon Network’s patented kids’ lifestyle research analyses the evolution of Indian kids, including their behaviour, attitudes and preferences, over the past 10 years.
Celebrating Cartoon Network’s 10 year milestone, Monica Tata, VP and Deputy GM, Entertainment Networks, South Asia Turner International India said, “We are extremely proud of this landmark achievement as it has been an enriching journey closely observing Indian kids evolve over the last 10 years. As the largest study of its kind, we’re pleased to not only be part of kids’ lifestyles but also contribute to society valuable insights on this dynamic consumer segment, which is tomorrow’s decision maker.”
Additional findings revealed that kids in India are more likely to interact with computers and online than their parents! Amongst internet users, 22% of kids’ access the internet daily and 67% of kids play online games followed by 51% of kids listening to or downloading music amongst internet users. Furthermore, 45% of kids go online to search for information, 26% for emailing, 23% for homework and 19% for social networking. Surprisingly, girls are just as active gamers as boys with 68% playing games online compared to 66% of boys. Mobile emerged as the most commonly used platform for gaming by kids (50%) followed by gaming consoles (35%). In the social network space, Facebook emerged as the number one social network website (93%) followed by orkut (50%).
Indian kids’ spending power is on the move with pocket money increasing 201% over the past 10 years. Girls’ average monthly pocket money is as much (Rs. 280) as boys (Rs. 277). Further, 58% kids receive gift money and the average annual gift money stood at Rs. 845 in 2010 vis-à-vis Rs. 567 in 2009 and Rs. 306 in 2006. 55% of kids save part of their pocket money with the survey indicating that girls tend to save more of it (59%) as compared to boys (52%). The most preferred financial tool for kids’ saving by parents is insurance (51%).
Duncan Morris, Vice President, Research and Market Development, Turner International Asia Pacific Ltd., said, "Knowing kids is in Cartoon Network's DNA and this is reflected in our 10 year commitment to researching kids' lifestyles and opinions via New Generations. Over the last decade kids in India have been on quite a journey, and those we surveyed in the early years are now adults earning more than just pocket money! Today's kids are more connected and more influential than ever before, but while one in 10 has their own mobile phone, and 8 in 10 homes have Internet access, New Generations will no doubt chart continued growth as Indian kids start to rival their connected cousins in other countries like Australia and the USA, where more than 50% have their own mobile, and 8 in 10 are Internet users."
48% of parents are likely to consider their child’s opinion while buying a mobile phone. Further, parents involving their kids in car purchase decision making has grown from 25% in 2001 to 63% in 2011.
The passage of time has done nothing to erode kids’ love of cartoons which continues to be kids’ favourite television genre. Additionally, television continues to remain the top medium with 95% of the respondents having watched TV yesterday. Cartoon Network has led as the number one channel for 10 years in a row and POGO as number two channel since 2004 not only as kids’ favourite channel but also as the kids’ channel most watched by parents.
When it comes to Bollywood icons, King Khan still makes kids’ world go round. A great record for Shahrukh Khan as kids have ranked him as their favourite actor for almost a decade. Meanwhile, Katrina Kaif has seen a surge in her popularity with kids and has been the top female actor of choice since 2009. Sachin Tendulkar continues to be kids’ favourite sports icon in all New Generations except for 2008 where M.S. Dhoni toppled his throne.
The New Generations™ 2011 surveyed a total of 3759 kids of 7-14 years of age and 1121 parents of 4-6 years old kids in SEC A, B and C across 19 centers including, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Nasik, Ahmedabad, Lucknow. Launched as a pan-Asia Pacific initiative in 1998 New Generations is currently conducted in India, Pakistan, Australia, Taiwan and Philippines in the region. First unveiled in India in 2001, New Generations™ remains the largest kids’ research study in India.

नौशीन अली सरदार बीन्द बनूँगा-घोड़ी चढूँगा में

नई दिल्ली। (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा ) धारवाहिक ‘कुसूम’ से सुर्खियों मेे आई नौशीन अली सरदार फिल्म एक लंबे समय के बाद में नजर आयी फिल्म दो दिलों के खेल में । इसके बाद उनक अता पता तक नही था। अब चर्चा है कि वे इमेजिन पर जल्द प्रसारित धारावाहिक ‘बीन्द बनूँगा-घोड़ी चढूँगा’ में काम काम कर रही है। मारवाड़ी पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित इस धारावाहिक में नए कलाकारों के अलावा में हिमानी शिवपुरी, अनुज ठाकुर, अक्षय आनंद, भी है। यह धारावाहिक की कहनी एक लड़की अपनी इच्छाओं और आकांक्षाओं को साथ में लेकर बहू बनती है।
वह घर के काम भी संभालती है, पति की देखभाल भी करती है और साथ में खुद के करियर को भी तेजी से आगे बढ़ाती है। इसमें किस तरह की कठिनाइयाँ आती हैं, यह धारावाहिक का मूल कथ्य है। हिमानी शिवपुरी ने नायिका की दादी का किरदार निभाया !!

नैना का रंग ‘कोई है अपना’ में

नई दिल्ली। (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा ) :
ंनवोदित तारिका नैना इन दिनों खासी उत्साहित है और हो भी क्यो ना, क्योकि इन दिनों वे श्री कुंजिका फिल्म्स के बैनर निर्मित निर्देशक राम गोपाल माली ने किया है। फिल्म के निर्माता है भरत गिरी , की फिल्म कोई है अपना’ मे लीड रोल जो कर रही है। अस फिल्म पर उनका कहना था कि यह साफ सुथरी परिवारिक कहानी पर बनी फिल्म है। फिल्म की कहानी प्रतिशोध और बलिदान पर अधारित है।फिल्म का मूल कथानक यह है कि किस तरह से एक आदमी नायक धरम अपनी इच्छाओं और आकांक्षाओं को साथ में लेकर अपने परिवार का पालता है और साथ में खुद के करियर को भी तेजी से आगे बढ़ाता है। इसमें किस तरह की कठिनाइयाँ आती हैं, उसके प्रतिद्वंदी और उससे नफरत करने वाला नागराज व बनारसी पंडित ( परेश भटट)। उससे बदला लेते है लेकिन ऐसे में उसा साथ देती है उसकी प्रेमिका अंजली ।यह फिल्म का मूल कथ्य है।
फिल्म में धरम गिरी,नैना, महेश गिरी ,परेश भटट ,वर्षा चंन्द्रा,अल्ताफ भी है। फिल्म मंे संगीत दिया है सतीश देहरास न,े और गीत लिखें है हरसुख घायल और महेश गिरी ने। फिल्म की शूटिंग मुंमई के अलावा गुजरात में बडौदा, आनंद, नाडियाड,राजकोट में की गई है। फिल्म में छः गीत है जिन्हें स्वर दिया है , कुमार सानू,सोनू कक्कड और संजीवनी ने। फिल्म के संपादक के.डी. दिलीप, डांस महेश बलराज, फाईट हनीफ शेख का है।

जादू मैं घर-घर खेली का

नई दिल्ली (प्रेमबाबू शर्मा) :
मैं घर-घर खेली टीवी शो ने क्रिकेट का बुखार की चरम सीमा के बावजूट भी सीरियल को दर्शकों ने पंसद किया। राजश्री की टीवी डिवीजन की हेड कविता बड़जात्या का कहना है कि हम इस ट्रेक के प्रति दर्शकों की प्रतिक्रिया से आश्वस्त थे।
वैसे भी लोकप्रियता बढ़ना आश्चर्य की बात ही है ! लेकिन, राजश्री प्रोडक्शंस के इस सीरियल ने क्रिकेट की इस खुमारी के बीच दर्शक जुटाने का कारनामा किया है। विपरीत परिस्थितियों के बावजूद, राजश्री ने हमेशा ही अपने दर्शकों का ध्यान रखा है और लोकप्रियता बढ़ने की मुख्य वजह भी यही है। जब यशोधरा की सचाई सामने आई थी, तभी राजश्री ने दर्शकों का पैमाना नापने की इकाई (टीआरपी) में 350 अंकों के साथ ही 5.1 टीआरपी को छुआ था।
हमारा अनुमान सही निकला और इस उत्साहवर्द्धक ऊँचाई को पाना बहुत बड़ी बात है! राजश्री की टीम ने इस सफलता के लिए कड़ा परिश्रम किया है। हम खुश हैं तथा इस सफलता को नई ऊँचाई की ओर ले जाने की कोशिशें जारी रखेंगे। रात साढ़े ८ बजे के स्लॉट में हम लीड कर रहे हैं। मेघा गुप्ता की माँ का किरदार निभा रही ज्योति गउबा ने बताया कि मुख्य कारण जिसकी वजह से मैंने यह भूमिका चुनी, वह राजश्री है। यह पहला अवसर है जब मैं उनके साथ काम कर रही हूँ।


Chandigarh:Sanjay Pahwa :
University Institute of Applied Management Sciences , Panjab University celebrated their 1st day of annual fest ( Business Hustle). PRAZNIK 2011. The day started with Academic meet inaugrated by Prof. Ahluwalia and Prof. Prem Kumar. Academic activities were further proceeded by the guest lectures of several HRs and Managers.
Evening show started with The FASHION NIGHT and the ROCK performance by Band BLACK HEAVEN . PU's 2 famous departments clashed with each other on the same platform of fashion ramp. The Chief Guest of the evening show was Dr. S.S. Bhamra. Around 50 students participated in the fashion show compiled with 3 rounds i.e. Ethnic, Casual, Face the Judge. Around 700 spectators witnessed young PU faces shining on the ramp.
At the end of event, UIAMS Director, Prof. Sanjeev Sharma appreciated the whole organising team of PRAZNIK for their endless efforts and the fest will continue for further 2 days i.e. 25 Mar 2011- WAR OF DJs and 26 Mar 2011- Hip Hop Hustle.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

80वाँ शहादत दिवस मनाया

सरपंच के खिलाफ मोर्चा


म्यूजियम में ही दिखेगा अब 25 पैसे का सिक्का

खुशबू (ख़ुशी), इन्द्री :
पहले लोगों को मंदिरों में सवा रूपये का प्रसाद चढ़ाने के लिए 25 पैसे जैसे तैसे मिल ही जाया करते थे!
आर बी आई ने एक अधिसूचना जारी कर 30 जून 2011 तक इन सिक्कों का प्रचलन खत्म करने का फैसला किया है! जिसे मानना सभी बैंको के लिए जरूरी है! स्टेट बैंक सहित सभी बैंको को ग्राहकों से इन सिक्कों को वापिस लेने के निर्देश जारी कर दिए गये हैं! इसी के साथ कम मूल्य के ये सिक्के पुराने जमाने की बात बन जायेंगे!
भले ही आज इनका अस्तित्व सिमट गया हो पर बैंक ने इन्हें आज भी विधिक मुद्रा के रूप में मान्यता दी हुई है! लेकिन 30 जून के बाद ये सिक्के लेखा के साथ-साथ लें दें में विधिक मुद्रा में भी नहीं रहेंगे!अब देखना ये है कि बैंक आर बी आई के इस निर्देश का पालन करते हैं या नहीं क्योंकि लिखित निर्देश दिए जाने के बावजूद अभी तक भी बैंकों की ओर से नोटिस नहीं लगाया गया है!!

अब ऐसा नहीं होगा! अब 25 पैसे का सिक्का लोगों को तलाशने पर भी नहीं मिलेगा! क्योंकि रिजर्व बैंक ने इसे म्यूजियम तक सिमित रखने की तयारी कर ली है! मतलब यह की अब यह म्यूजियम में ही देखने को मिलेगा, बाज़ारों में नहीं!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

रेत खननं जोरो पर

शहीदी दिवस मनाया

Keys Hotel Celebrates Cricket World Cup 2011’

Ludhiana, Sanjay Pahwa :
As the Cricket World Cup fever builds up, Keys Hotels,Ludhiana invites its customers to join in the celebrations and take the game to a new level of excitement. Now you will not only be able to enjoy the match with your near and dear ones on a big screen, but get clean-bowled with the specially designed World Cup Menu that brings the world to you on a platter.

This innovative Cricket World Cup menu has been designed by Executive Chef Yagya, and his team at Keys Hotel. “Cricket is almost a way of life in India, and with India’s prospects looking very promising this World Cup, we want to connect with our customers through our specially designed menu, which is a perfect blend of various dishes like India ki Googly, Aussie Chicken, Pakistani Pind Ke Chole and Irish Macaroni Pasta to name a few,” said Executive Chef Yagya. The specially designed World Cup menu, brings to the plate the spirit of 14 nations competing for the World cup.

Animation film CRACKERS set to release on 20th May 2011

New Delhi, (Prembabu Sharma) :
Animation film CRACKERS is scheduled to release on 20th May 2011. ‘CRACKERS’ is India’s one of the first 3 – D Stereoscopic full length animation feature film. Crackers is releasing under the banner of R T M Technologies Pvt Ltd.
The Story of ‘Crackers’ is about today’s youth and how they can fight the evil of terrorism. The Director has tried to create a role modelfrom  amongst the zealous youngsters of today, the generation X, that can and should stand up to the menace of evil. According to the story, the strength to fight it is within us and we are the heroes of society.
First half of the movie is full of fun, comedy and romance on college campus, where a youth festival is in full swing. Second half deals with a terror attack on the campus and how the youth channelizes their energy to counter and foil the attack. Movie revolves around Four characters - Angry Young Man Roxy, Gopu and Sexy Kate along with comic character of Bolly who brings in the fun element in the movie.
Story & dialogues are by Priyank Dubey, music is by Dilip Sen & lyrics by Sudhakar Sharma. Songs are rendered by singers like Shaan, Shreya Goshal, Hariharan, Pamela Jain, Raja Hasan, Jolly Mukherjee etc.

Oxford Bookstores hosted an enthralling book reading session

New Delhi, (PremBabu Sharma) :
Oxford Bookstore, Delhi and NEN hosted an engaging book reading session of The Fresh Brew- Chronicles of Business and Freedom, by Amit Haralalka & Amitabh Thakur. The Fresh Brew is a compilation of inspiring life stories of twenty five IIM Lucknow alumni who gave up their lucrative jobs to follow their heart, their dream and their passion. Nitin Das, a renowned film maker, Saurabh Chopra, a successful entrepreneur and Sumant Bhargava, An IIM graduate and MD of Stargaze Entertainment graced the evening at the occasion as the Guests of Honor.
The Fresh Brew- Chronicles of Business and Freedom has been written by two IIM Lucknow alumni - Amit Haralalka & AmitabhThakur who have penned down the lives of twenty five young people who did it all to do what they were most passionate about in their life. These alumni chose not to tread the beaten path and became entrepreneurs or pursued alternate careers of their choice. The book is a collection of their experiences and intends to bring out the subtle dilemmas that they negotiated-both personal and professional. The reading session was very engaging and the audience at the event drew a lot of inspiration from the stories that were read out to them.

Some praise for the book:

"I am sure, this book will inspire the creation of many such leaders who would emerge as employment generators for the nation."
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, in his Foreword to the book
“Too many books just focus on the ‘good and successful’ parts of entrepreneurship, but this book makes you feel both the pain and the glory achieved by the entrepreneurs. Read it, read it again and if you have the guts to make the leap, do it.”
Allwin Agnel, Founder & CEO,“These fabulous and well-told stories span entrepreneurship from areas as diverse as arts, IT, and football. I found myself inspired by the entrepreneurs’ perseverance and passion. If you haven’t yet decided to follow your dream, after reading these stories, you surely will!”Laura Parkin, CEO and Co-founder, National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)

About the Book:
The Fresh Brew contains inspiring life stories of twenty five IIM Lucknow Alumni who followed their heart, their dream, their passion! Many gave up lucrative careers with leading banks, consulting firms, marketing firms, technology firms to strike out on their own. They became entrepreneurs or pursued alternate and independent careers. This is a collection of their experiences and learning’s and brings out the subtle dilemmas that they negotiated on their quest for independence – both personal and professional.

About the Authors:

Amit Haralalka is from the MBA class at IIM Lucknow. He has experience across consumer goods, technology and education and blogs at,Amitabh Thakur is a fellow at IIM Lucknow. He is an IPS officer and is also associated with social work as President of IRDS and National RTI Forum.

Fourth edition of CNBC-TV18 and DHL ‘International Trade Awards 2011’

New Delhi, (Prembabu sharma) :
Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hon. Minister of State for Commerce and Industry will inaugurate the fourth edition of ‘International Trade Awards 2011’ to be presented by CNBC-TV18, India’s No. 1 business medium in association with DHL, the world’s leading Logistics Company, in the city on March 24, 2011. These awards exclusively aim at recognizing innovation and excellence demonstrated by the Indian importers and exporters at the International Trade facilitation in India.
The Indian import and export industry has contributed significantly to the Indian economy especially by achieving the export target of $200 billion mark for the fiscal year 2010 – 2011. While India’s exports were estimated at $235 billion, the imports are expected to reach the $350 billion mark. As a result, the trade deficit is expected to come down to $115 billion from an earlier projection of $135 billion.
This resultant growth in India’s export and import industry can be attributed to the government’s strategy of encouraging diversification into newer markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America and increasing focus on non-traditional exports to the USA. The government has also proposed measures to boost exports by capitalizing on the engineering and chemical sectors which has a greater demand abroad. Additionally, the government has formulated product strategies that will build on intrinsic strengths of some industries; market diversification; incentivizing research and development; and building a Brand India. This will help the Commerce Ministry to achieve its target of doubling the exports to $450 billion by the fiscal year 2013 – 2014.
While the Commerce Ministry is developing strategies to bring down the fiscal deficit, it is still faced with challenges trying to balance between a strong rupee, the shrinking markets of Europe and the US, hardening interest rates and rising input costs. Facilitating infrastructure development has also been a challenge for the government. Additionally, the weak recovery in the industrialized economies and the recent disasters in Japan will call into question the assumption of world trade bouncing back to pre-crisis levels.
In such a scenario, the major challenge of the Commerce Ministry will be to encourage the Indian exports by every possible means in order to maintain the recent momentum in addition to finding means of balancing the performance of India’s imports which are likely to be affected by the recent hikes in the petroleum prices.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anil Uniyal, CEO, CNBC-TV18 and CNBC AWAAZ said, “We are proud to partner with DHL for the fourth edition of International Trade Awards 2011. The Awards will represent the finest of the international trading community and highlight their extraordinary achievements. As we continue to honour and recognize innovation and excellence showcased by the Indian entrepreneurs on a global platform, we feel equally privileged in watching the custodians of 'Brand India' being rewarded for making their mark globally."
Adding further, Mr. R.S. Subramanian, Country Head, DHL Express India said, “DHL India is proud to have created this platform to honour the outstanding entrepreneurs who have braved the times, set new benchmarks and brought a lot of credence to the “Made in India” tag. The International Trade Awards 2011 acknowledges all the fore runners on whose resilience we can only be sure that India will sustain its growth momentum. ”
Walking the tightrope, the Commerce Ministry is determined to execute their entrepreneurial skills to grow the Indian import and export businesses. However, one of biggest challenges in current circumstance that arises is ‘Can India’s exports touch the $500 bn mark by 2015?’ On the launch of such an empowering initiative, join Sheeren Bhan as she deliberates with a panel of India's global ambassadors such as Mr. Ramu Deora, President, Federation of Indian Export Organization; Mr. R. C. Bhargava, Maruti Suzuki India Limited; Mr. R. S. Subramanian, Country Head, DHL Express along with Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia, Hon. Minister of State for Commerce and Industry on questions about how Indian exports will play a major role in India’s double digit GDP targets and what kind of support will Indian exporters receive from the government to achieve their targets.
CNBC-TV18 and DHL hopes to create an atmosphere that will enable the stalwarts of the export industry engage in dialogue that will stimulate export and help boost the economy, finally making the Indian growth story viable.
CNBC-TV 18 is India's No.1 business medium and the undisputed leader in business news. And its leadership epitomizes the fact that India means business. It delivers quality and involved audiences that comprise a comprehensive viewership base greater than similar offerings in the business space across all media. The channel's benchmark coverage extends from corporate news, financial markets coverage, expert perspective on investing and management to industry verticals and beyond. CNBC-TV18 has been constantly innovating with new genres of programming that helps make business more relevant to different constituencies across the country. CNBC-TV18 is currently available in over 30 million households in India.
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The Logistics Company for the world”. DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 400,000 employees’ worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection, disaster management and education.
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 51.5 billion euros in 2010.


New Delhi, (Prembabu sharma) :
Living up to its aim of promoting the art, culture and traditions of India, Spandan Communications presented Raag Rang- the series of Indian classical music on March 18th 2011 held at The India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
The concert showcased the performance of renowned FATEH ALI (SITAR). He has embarked on a Career that promises to be illustrious and innovative. Years of training have exposed him to and enriched his music with the artistic aspects and nuances of diverse gharana styles. His distinctive style is strongly rooted in classical music traditions, which appeals to the orthodox as well as progressive. He displays deep insight and understanding of ragas by blending their purity with imaginative experiments. Fateh Ali is advancing his art form and skill in "Sitar" under the personal guidance and training of his father "USTAD GHULAM SABIR KHAN" again a well-known name in India for "SARANGI".
Commencing the program with Raga Puriya Kalyan Fateh Ali captivated the audience with his musical charm. He ended his performance with Holi special dhun.

He was accompanied by Sh. Rafiuddin Sabri on Tablas.
On this occasion, Anshuman Pandey gave a sincere thank to the artists for their unusual performance & to the audience for sparing their valuable time. He further added that these musical baithaks called ‘Raag Rang Evenings’ are organized with the purpose of promoting and reviving Indian Classical Music.
Also present in the gathering were Ravinder Mishra, Murad Ali, Anshuman Jain, Deepak Gupta and others.